Wednesday, June 3, 2015

- That worried adults and young people on their own looking for support in science and proven exper

The query box "Ask the researchers: Young online" celebrates one year and take at the same time two new researchers who will answer questions about youth Internet addiction and sexuality online. The goal of the query box is to provide a more informed and balanced debate about young people and the Internet.
For a year, the researchers Elza Dunkel from Umeå University and Marcin from Lund University answered questions about young people and online via the digital query box "Question researchers: Young online". During the past year, a total of 95 questions answered.
- That worried adults and young people on their own looking for support in science and proven experience is something very positive, says Elza Dunkel. Knowledge seekers are especially important when it comes to issues that would otherwise be answered by alarmist opinions without evidence.
- We also want to find a balanced spanish to english translation way to bring the conversation around what young people do online, says Marcin. The difference between net and everyday life beyond the web is not greater than that together we can comprehend how it should be handled.
Just in time for the anniversary expanded the responding group of researchers spanish to english translation with particular focus on Internet addiction spanish to english translation and sexuality issues in the form of Daniel Kardefelt-Winther from the London School of Economics and Jack Lukkerz from Malmö University.
- The fact that young people spend more and more time online worries some adults, says Daniel Kardefelt-Winther. It is of course important to pay attention to how it affects our lives, but young people need support spanish to english translation as they explore online - no resistance.
- For young are online an essential source of knowledge and arena for exchange in terms of thinking about sexuality, says Jack Lukkerz. Adults need to meet young people's questions about sex online in an open and affirmative spanish to english translation way.
"Ask Researchers: Young Online" spanish to english translation reached in the web service during the address and is open to anyone who has questions concerning young people, network and related discussions. To use the query box is free for all.
Elza Dunkel is an associate professor in the Department of Applied Educational Science, spanish to english translation Umeå University. Her research concerns, among other things about young people's personal security online. She has written the book What makes young online? who question many of the ingrained notions about young people and the Internet. (E-mail:, telephone 070-2735323)
Marcin is a graduate student at the Sociology of Law at Lund University. His research focuses on the social norms of young net cultures. He is active in the research group Cyber Norms and where a specific focus on regulatory conflict between the network and everyday life beyond the web. (E-mail: / phone: 0768-045151)
Daniel Kardefelt-Winther is a PhD student at the London School of Economics. His research focuses on what is usually spanish to english translation called Internet addiction or excessive use, that is why some people spend so much time on the internet even though it sometimes has negative consequences in everyday life. (E-mail:
Jack Lukkerz is a social worker and certified specialist in sexological counseling, a doctoral student at Malmö University. In his work he problematize including moralism around and dominating definitions and perceptions of depictions of sexuality in the image. (E-mail: / phone: spanish to english translation 0768-541137)
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In January LUii published a research review on the over-indebtedness and digital consumption into English. It has now been translated into English and it can be downloaded here. It is the Head of LUii, Stefan Larsson, PhD in sociology of law and PhD in spatial spanish to english translation planning, spanish to english translation thats HAS acted as project manager for this research review. spanish to english translation Co-researchers for this [...] currently known about digital consumption and indebtedness January 7, 2015
Lund University's Internet Institute (LUii) today publishes a knowledge spanish to english translation about digital commerce and over-indebtedness. The review spanish to english translation involves a comprehensive literature review has been done by three researchers at Lund University in 2014. Project manager for knowledge survey was Stefan Larsson, Director of LUii and a doctorate in both law and sociology in physical spanish to english translation planning, and other employees in the project have been [...]
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Tuesday, June 2, 2015

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Monday, June 1, 2015

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