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In response to a call for literary translation projects for the year 2010 was a successful ten Slovenian žaloba. Obtained the support of the EU, which will be translated 68 literary works by European authors. In addition, three foreign žaloba work three Slovenian bias authors translated into bolgaršino, srbšino bias and španšino.
Executive Agency for Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA) 21 May 2010, published the results of a call for proposals for the translation of literary bias works (published in the OJ C151 03/07/2009 /), which were submitted to 3 Publishers bias . in February 2010. The call was received bias 210 applications, of which there were 13 applications for the translation of 79 books from Slovenia. In average, the call arrives at less than 10 applications from any healthy States shall program - this time it was the number of applications in the first place Italy (22 notifications / 81 books). On the call, although the most active žaloba of new drugs EU Member States or. COUNTRY candidate for EU membership.
Slovenia to call back the White remarkable success, both in terms of number of books (68), which received support from the EU, and the number of žaloba (10) occupies the first place! Followed by HUNGARY (9 projects / 55 books) and Bulgaria (9 projects / 44 books). Slovenian žaloba will translate more than 13 percent of all subsidized books. Deposits and EU support they have received all Slovenian žaloba together, bias amounts to EUR 314,414.59.
In the context of this tender has been selected as otherwise 107 projects (503 books), which is more than 20 projects in the last call. Culture program will enable translation 472 about different works (23 works will be translated into even more languages) 404 about different European authors, among them the largest English saying (87 authors / 101 job), followed by the rest of major languages: francošina (64 authors / 76 works), nemšina (49 authors / 58 works), italijanšina (23 authors / 24 works) and španšina (19 authors / 23 works). Large tongue, bias followed by the Serbian language! Foreign žaloba will translate as many as 22 literary works of 17 Serbian authors. Of the ten new drugs EU Member States will be translated largest Polish authors (15 authors / 16 works). From slovenšine be translated or 6 books. 5 authors, namely: Aleš Šteger (Sometimes January is the middle of summer) and George Hudolin (arrogance) in makedonšino in madaršino Tree of Life Dear Janarja in Esino but Kersnikova winner Goran Vojnovi novel efurji raus. In the foreign language will now translate the Slovenian žaloba: Knjievno Association House of Poetry will be translated two works of the poet Ivan Dobnik namely a collection of Water pušave in Esino and records the tree listiev in nemšino.
During the translated parts is also 7 of authors who have won the award for the EU knjievnost: Paulus Hochgatter, Emmanuelle Pagano, Noemi Scecsu, Carl Frode Tiller, Dulce Maria Cardoso, Pavol Rankov and Helena Henschen.
Student žaloba, Ljubljana (7 books EU support: bias 30,008.47) Andrzej Stasiuk, Taksim (poljšina) Inger Christensen, Det (danšina) Ioanna Karystiani, Mikra Anglia (gršina) Leena Krohn, Valeikkuna bias (finšina) Mircea Crtrescu, De ce iubim femeile (romunšina) bias Stendhal, Lamia (francošina) Virginia Woolf, The Complete Shorter Fiction of Virginia Woolf (anglešina)
Society Mohorjeva DRUBA, Celje (9 books EU support: bias 36,101.99) Unknown artist, Vios tou ayiou Pakhoumiou (old gršina) Aristophanis, Sphikes (old gršina) Athanasiou Alekhandreias, Peri tou tou viou Antoniou ( old gršina) Euripides, Ekavi (old gršina) bias Plautus, Pseudolus bias (latinšina) Seneca, Octavia (latinšina) Seneca, Oedipus (latinšina) Terentius, A delpoe (latinšina) Euripides, Risos (old gršina)
Didakta ltd., Radovljica (3 books EU support: 13,057.19) bias Christine Nöstlinger, Pudding-Pauli rührt mind (nemšina) Norman Manea, Plicul Negru (romunšina) Sofi Oksanen, Puhdistus (finšina)
Žaloba dream, Ljubljana (7 books EU support: 59,179.57) bias Harry Thompson, This Thing of Darkness bias (anglešina) Mariusz Szczygie, Gottland (poljšina) Orhan Pamuk, Masumiyet Müzesi (turšina) Raymond Queneau, Les fleurs bleues (francošina) Susanna Clarke, Jonathan Strange & Mr Norrell (anglešina) Vladislav Bajac, Hamam Balkanija (srbšina) Walter Moers, Die Stadt der Bücher Träumenden (nemšina)
Knjievno House Poetry Society, Ljubljana (9 books EU support: 22,921.51) Chr
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