Veljkovski Home Founded Accountants and the Institute of Chartered Accountants
On 11.03.2012, the Parliament consists of 90 Accountants / Chartered Accountants of constitutive session earn to die 2012 established the Institute of Accountants and Certified Accountants of the Republic of Macedonia. The session is enacted statute and izbaran supervisory board of 5 members. President of the Supervisory Board is elected Jasmina Milanovska.
I have received a temporary certificate of certified accountant. I was wondering which is the further procedure in this connection, where the Institute of Chartered Accountants and Chartered Accountants to be registered in the law for accounting because things member number 18 says that a person request for registration earn to die 2012 in the registry is submitted within 60 days of the acquisition of the certificate for accountant or CPA, otherwise SAME forfeits enrollment earn to die 2012 REGISTAROT.Iskontaktirav with some colleagues and they say that the institute is not formed and that they have obtained certificates from February month and did not submitted any request to the Institute. Waiting for your reply ... Regards
Ineteresira me your opinion on my situation. I have a university degree in Economic Faculty - Accounting and audit experience as an accountant for more than 10 years. But the last few years working as an accountant, but as state auditor. My question is whether, in the future if I have a need, you have the right to acquire a certified chartered accountant and whether you need to take the exam for it, given that no request for acquisition of a temporary certificate of certified accountant. Thanks in advance.
Since you have appropriate education and over three years experience in accounting work you can when you want to apply to take the CPA exam and it's earn to die 2012 not necessary to have a temporary certificate.
In addition I would like to ask if you can tell me to my question, namely, I am graduate of the department earn to die 2012 of accounting, finance and audit, in December 2012 did experience 1 year smtkovoditel, I wonder if they qualify for a license accountant. Thank you in advance.
The Law on accounting matters not specified a date that should be met for the amount of service as a condition for receiving certificates earn to die 2012 for accountants and CPA. According to interpretations of certain lawyers that date is August 3, 2012 (the day of entry into force of the Act), under which would not meet the requirements for obtaining a temporary certificate of accountant. However, some colleagues asked the Ministry of Finance received a reply that all that the 3rd February to meet the requirements and submit an application will receive a certificate. Therefore, my recommendation is to apply for a temporary certificate of accountant ..
I am owner of Protective Association LLC in which I work two retail businesses and accounting services.With informiarav would not be able to work with a subsidiary earn to die 2012 to organidziram in the same firm and hold the protective status company, but I can not dismantle the company benefits because they already use the law to safeguard drushtva.Poradi it must register a new company with main activity for accounting services because the main activity of the company is my protective trade malo.Ve please let me explain the formation earn to die 2012 of the accounting office if we can be two Chartered Accountants or must have an accountant, because to keep the protective company I have to hire two new firma.VI THANK YOU.
Ne gledam zosto ne bi mozela da rabotis i kako smetkovodstveno biro, znaci zakonot veli "licenca se dobiva so najmalku vraboteno 1 ovlasten smetkovoditel i eden smetkovoditel" znaci ako gi ispolnuvas ovie uslovi ke si rabotis i kako biro i kako trgovija na malo ne gledam problem tuka? a toa sto si zastitno drustvo ne se kosi so nisto ..
I am curious how Kumanovo will be formed subsidiary, who will be responsible earn to die 2012 for managing the testing and whether it will be implemented in the branch or similar. And nowhere is it stated that the cost of the permanent certificate afterwards spent two years upgrading and already acquired earn to die 2012 a temporary license, whether it is a bookkeeper or accountant. If you have any information please tell us. I would not be told that it will cost you caught in a bind after two years, the need to budget earn to die 2012 for the institute and staff to divide the number of licenses obtained and the percentage of those attending training. I think I understand what you ask. Perhaps the Law when you start training ie for three months ie of 3 February when they see how many are granted temporary licenses to make calculations and to say ogrom
On 11.03.2012, the Parliament consists of 90 Accountants / Chartered Accountants of constitutive session earn to die 2012 established the Institute of Accountants and Certified Accountants of the Republic of Macedonia. The session is enacted statute and izbaran supervisory board of 5 members. President of the Supervisory Board is elected Jasmina Milanovska.
I have received a temporary certificate of certified accountant. I was wondering which is the further procedure in this connection, where the Institute of Chartered Accountants and Chartered Accountants to be registered in the law for accounting because things member number 18 says that a person request for registration earn to die 2012 in the registry is submitted within 60 days of the acquisition of the certificate for accountant or CPA, otherwise SAME forfeits enrollment earn to die 2012 REGISTAROT.Iskontaktirav with some colleagues and they say that the institute is not formed and that they have obtained certificates from February month and did not submitted any request to the Institute. Waiting for your reply ... Regards
Ineteresira me your opinion on my situation. I have a university degree in Economic Faculty - Accounting and audit experience as an accountant for more than 10 years. But the last few years working as an accountant, but as state auditor. My question is whether, in the future if I have a need, you have the right to acquire a certified chartered accountant and whether you need to take the exam for it, given that no request for acquisition of a temporary certificate of certified accountant. Thanks in advance.
Since you have appropriate education and over three years experience in accounting work you can when you want to apply to take the CPA exam and it's earn to die 2012 not necessary to have a temporary certificate.
In addition I would like to ask if you can tell me to my question, namely, I am graduate of the department earn to die 2012 of accounting, finance and audit, in December 2012 did experience 1 year smtkovoditel, I wonder if they qualify for a license accountant. Thank you in advance.
The Law on accounting matters not specified a date that should be met for the amount of service as a condition for receiving certificates earn to die 2012 for accountants and CPA. According to interpretations of certain lawyers that date is August 3, 2012 (the day of entry into force of the Act), under which would not meet the requirements for obtaining a temporary certificate of accountant. However, some colleagues asked the Ministry of Finance received a reply that all that the 3rd February to meet the requirements and submit an application will receive a certificate. Therefore, my recommendation is to apply for a temporary certificate of accountant ..
I am owner of Protective Association LLC in which I work two retail businesses and accounting services.With informiarav would not be able to work with a subsidiary earn to die 2012 to organidziram in the same firm and hold the protective status company, but I can not dismantle the company benefits because they already use the law to safeguard drushtva.Poradi it must register a new company with main activity for accounting services because the main activity of the company is my protective trade malo.Ve please let me explain the formation earn to die 2012 of the accounting office if we can be two Chartered Accountants or must have an accountant, because to keep the protective company I have to hire two new firma.VI THANK YOU.
Ne gledam zosto ne bi mozela da rabotis i kako smetkovodstveno biro, znaci zakonot veli "licenca se dobiva so najmalku vraboteno 1 ovlasten smetkovoditel i eden smetkovoditel" znaci ako gi ispolnuvas ovie uslovi ke si rabotis i kako biro i kako trgovija na malo ne gledam problem tuka? a toa sto si zastitno drustvo ne se kosi so nisto ..
I am curious how Kumanovo will be formed subsidiary, who will be responsible earn to die 2012 for managing the testing and whether it will be implemented in the branch or similar. And nowhere is it stated that the cost of the permanent certificate afterwards spent two years upgrading and already acquired earn to die 2012 a temporary license, whether it is a bookkeeper or accountant. If you have any information please tell us. I would not be told that it will cost you caught in a bind after two years, the need to budget earn to die 2012 for the institute and staff to divide the number of licenses obtained and the percentage of those attending training. I think I understand what you ask. Perhaps the Law when you start training ie for three months ie of 3 February when they see how many are granted temporary licenses to make calculations and to say ogrom
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