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The residents reportedly only roadblock warning notice from the contractor knew that the II. local government leaszfaltozza section between make life easier the Frankel Leo Street Margaret Boulevard and Black Eagle Street as part of a major road reconstruction program. On Monday, has already begun to demolish the old guard, our pictures reflect the state Wednesday.
Some of the residents prefer to keep (or renovating) a cobbled pavement vote, and therefore created a Facebook group (this writing, 206 people make life easier have joined), on several occasions consulted with the government, and also collecting signatures to save the cobblestones.
Those of us who live here, we live, we work in the old part of town tarnished want to keep this little tree-lined street in the atmosphere. The basalt cube has been used for decades, while the more common asphalt requires refurbishment as the cobblestones and has no waste.
The II. district authorities informed the index to the section of road involved the renovation of a local civil society groups, the community initiated TREFFF patriot, who last February and March have been consulted about the deputy mayor. Because they wanted to include asphalt, because it is easier to clean, make life easier on the other hand, had asked the council to end the impasse develop a reversal opportunity.
"Accordingly, our Office Investment and City Management Office has been asked to prepare according to these criteria, the renovation of the street, and that the electrical work on the Buda intertwined investment in a coordinated manner, make life easier perform" - answer our questions by the press department of the district, who, according to
In addition to the roadway can also renovate the sidewalks, the work will cost a total of about 80 million forints. According to the press department of the government not made an alternative calculation that much it would cost to maintain the basalt blocks. The Facebook group operated by contrast, a municipal clerk understands the cobblestones back into HUF 31.7 million would have been more expensive.
The government said the residents had been informed last year that between April 2014 and September renovations expected, this spring make life easier they were again informed that the works started, and also sent an email just prior to execution. Then, the contractor threw in 23 May can be seen on the Facebook notification to affected residents inbox. make life easier A protester locals remember: then heard the first repair, in addition to notification of any discovered that asphalt is the cobble stones into place.
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