It turned new Google Android L is dvakrtvkonnej, m longer for VDR and looks different Google word reference confirmed the photo shoot Slovakia, word reference updated dozens of towns alpine Awards Alza for Slovakia 3.3 % and 79% embarked on FIFA football Technolgy, the MS decides ogloch 14 cameras with 500fps zvil Telekom VDSL coverage of 50%, a list of new Lokalt
Divci sledujci word reference JOJ in archve opertora it would be criminally Sthan, stra televzia socilna network was established for the wealthy, with vstupnm 9 thousand c Prestigio goes Default LED bulbs, bezdrtov Nov iPhones is Zaal Default, May 1 GB RAM and 6.9 and 11.1 Wh The batteries. Quarrel dovntra Poda simulcie Nvidia first pictures from the moon by his sides, konpirtori the MLIA Slovensk saver The Safety bug in Android aplikcii, umouje the SmartFit also steal resources in iOS 8 first error and problems when some zvauj pozdranie upgrade to iOS 8 dispozcii for existujce appliances, quantity of news on the Android VNA error, word reference he sites Steal Vaedta Microsoft has confirmed Termná performances Windows 9
Google employees can mask Listen to OS, generated speculation about the OS from Google, 8.12.2008 Pribline third prstupov employees spolonosti Google for sites Strnka monitoring spolonos Net Applications ou m vsasnosti masked Listen to Operan SYSTM. For Internet News stated by Vince Vizzaccaro, vice president spolonosti Net Applications monitorujcej nvtevnos desatiscov's Web strnok. However, all sites virtually word reference overlooked in posielaj vyiadan Strnka from a web server in its IDENTIFICATION hlavike HTTP User-Agent, which also includes IDENTIFICATION Listen to operant system. In the third prstupov Google employees is tto details please but filtered out, priom itself hlavika User-Agent in HTTP consigned requirements nachdza. Vizzaccaro according to this filtering Zaal prichdza the last time and until spolonos similarly did not record it. Details please zintenzvnila guesswork ovvoji operant system spolonosou Google, word reference although we do not assume guilt experts and vsasnosti, e by Google vyvjal word reference classic Desktop OS. Viacron guesses word reference about developments monom some form of operant system vyuitenho PC spolonosou Google is restored at the end of last year after the opera nho Android Mobile telefny created already on Linux.
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Re: GoogOS From: LIFO | Added: 8.12.2008 12:18 no but when something like this so I do not understand is the fact they do not represent, then it look at how it looks. If you know anything to say on the topic so they do not express. The debate should be about the article, not that anything I write just to write.
re: exe By: Anonymous | added: 08/12/2008 9:48 it, linux problem with those not in the exe that it does not run (IDUs through wine, for example), but in that of the exe often used complete windows environment Windows API, Windows framework ... simply, to the pojse run exe without potteby emulation is wholly irrelevant, you would need to emulate nonstop the whole system that allows him to even use it.
Re: exe From: Yanick (offline) | added: 08/12/2008 10:08 Yes, via Wine can be deployed exact, but wine is not an emulator. Wine is an implementation of the Win32 API in Linux. Nothing strange to emulate, wine forms an intermediate layer between Linux and Windows programs. Problem wine is that this implementation is not complete, word reference so it can not be Start, All Programs, and Some not working correctly.
Re: From exe: ground | added: 12/09/2008 1:42 isla me miranda 0.7.7 already on hardy, wine 1.xx and any special configurations, clean klikacka.
Re: From exe: nedam | added: 08/12/2008 11:17 yes, WINE is not an emulator: D therefore Mandriva like the Start menu (oh sorry, the K-menu, which is something completely different and discover: D) to the item Tools-> Emulators-> Wine
Re: From exe: --- | Added: 8.12.2008 14:42 WINE - is a recursive acronym Wine Is Not from an Emulator. The fact that it ranks among Mandriva emulators is because it is aimed mainly at Regular word reference users and thus it could be confusing mat in the menu Wrappers -> Wine.
Re: From exe: einstein | Added: 8.12.2008 1
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