Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Tabloidele tratează pe prima pagină relaţia Iuliei Vântur cu megastarul indian Salman Khan .

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“ Rio sau adio “, este mesajul ziarului Adevărul către Victor Pițurcă , antrenorul Naționalei, înaintea meciului decisiv cu Grecia, de diseară. Presa de astăzi se împarte în două mari subiecte: meciul de baraj dintre România şi Grecia, care va decide dacă echipa naţională merge la Campionatul Mondial din 2014 , şi dispariţia Alianţei de Centru Dreapta (PNL+PC).
ProSport , Gazeta Sporturilor şi Adevărul au pe prima pagină articole despre partida România bhv Grecia, care se joacă diseară, de la ora 21.00, reprezentând bhv manșa a doua a barajului pentru calificarea la CM 2014.
Adevărul şi Gazeta Sporturilor tratează subiectul din perspectiva consecinţelor pe care le-ar putea avea o posibilă înfrângere pentru selecţionerul Victor Piţurcă. “Domnule Piţurcă, Rio sau adio! “, titrează Adevărul pe prima pagină. GazetaSporturilor scrie că “ Piţi nu pleacă nici dacă pierde “.
ProSport are titluri bhv mai optimiste, în primele pagini: “ Aveţi resurse nebănuite bhv ” (-mesajul bhv de încurajare al lui Piţurcă dinpă înfrângerea de la Pireu), “ Mergeţi la Rio şi câştigă toată lumea! ” şi “ Se poate şi în ceasul al 12-lea “.
Ziarele România liberă şi Evenimentul zilei îşi deschid ediţiile de astăzi cu articole despre ruperea Alianţei de Centru Dreapta (ACD) şi efectele acestei decizii. Cotidianul România liberă se întreabă “Ce efecte poate avea despărţirea lui Antonescu de Voiculescu “, Evenimentul zilei vine cu un titlu mai tranşant “C rin Antonescu s-a rupt de Dan Voiculescu şi atacă PC” . “După despărţirea de Sorin Roşca Stănescu, liderul PNL Crin Antonescu s-a debarasat şi de partenerul de alianţă, Partidul Conservator. Doar obligaţiile juridice mai ţin ACD unit”, scrie Evenimentul zilei în pagina şase. România liberă îl citează, în prima pagină, pe Crin Antonescu : “De facto, ACD nu mai există de mult. Nimeni nu doreşte să umble prin tribunale, dar dacă nu ar exista niciun impediment juridic, ar exista o formalizare igienică a situaţiei”. Ziarul Naţional are şi el pe prima pagină o trimitere în pagina 5 cu titlul: “ Pesediştii îl reevaluează pe Crin Antonescu: E fraier, deci e bun de preşedinte “.
Tabloidele tratează pe prima pagină relaţia Iuliei Vântur cu megastarul indian Salman Khan . “Actorul indian se împarte între două iubite. Slman, Iulia noastră e mai frumoasă ca indianca Daisy!”, titrează Click! , pe prima pagină. Libertatea are un titlu mai “cuminte”: Megastarul indian Salman Khan recunoaşte că între el şi vedeta Pro TV există o relaţie puternică: “Eu şi Iulia suntem prieteni apropiaţi”.
(P)   Slabeste Acum! Intreaba-ne Cum! Click Aici pentru personalizare gratuita program slabire si suplimente aprobate. Categorii: Industria mass-media Taguri: barajul CM 2014 , Crin Antoescu , Dan Voiculescu , meciul Grecia-Romania , Victor Piturca Bookmark: permalink .
Hey Jix : Nu sant multe numere la catuse (ca nu e ca la pantofi) ; stapanului dumitale i se strange latul, il paste Puscaria, pardon nu prinde Pastele 2014 in libertate Schimba-ti vechilul si uita-ti trecutul infam in trustul intact… Te stie si Razvan , tot la sala de forta (pe unde colegu Capatos a reusit filmarea posteriorului lui Boc…) erai loser, si pe bicicleta , dar si la haltere
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Dan Negru a fost Vocea României. Negru și Magic Star (o ediție specială... Programe Revelion: Dan Negru la Antena 1, Andra și Măruță la Pro TV, Andreea Marin... Pro TV, film românesc plin de înjurături neaoșe, în miezul zilei. Poziția postului:... TOP TV CRĂCIUN. Știrile Pro TV conduc topul. MasterChef, NextStar și Vocea României,... George Stanca, condamnat pentru plagierea unei traduceri apărute la Adevărul Holding Eurosport va fi pe UPC și în 2014. Situație incertă la Romtelecom și RCS&RDS.
Revista presei media 27 Decembrie. UE şi Statele Unite condamnă agresarea... 24 decembrie. Elena Udrea, drept la replica pentru... 20 decembrie. ANAF va avea o nouă identitate vizuală.... 18 decembrie. Rareş Bogdan îşi retrage bhv candidatura.... ULTIMELE MATERIALE VIDEO
Oana Zamfir și Andrei Tomescu, de la postul bhv de știri Digi 24, au câștigat bhv Premiul... VIDEO. Evenimentul UPC – internet bhv de super viteză, înregistrarea... bhv VIDEO. Fete pe DN1. Fac pe stradă, la șosea/Reclamă la RCA VIDEO. Cum a reușit

Monday, December 30, 2013

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Nici macar sa jucam un baraj (pierdut) cu grecii nu meritam | eNational.ro
  Cred ca Turcia ii batea. Noi ne-am autodepasit prinzand barajul, iar victoria de la Istanbul, care ne-a adus aici, s-a obtinut pe smecheria gib lui Piturca. Ne-a ajutat sau ne-a incurcat arbitrul sarb? Dar ne-au ajutat vreodata, cu ceva, mandrosii astia primitivi? Am facut si cu ei un baraj. gib Pe Dunare. Noi am pierdut Ada-Kaleh, un basm plutitor al Balcanilor, iar ei au profitat. Dupa ce ca suntem prosti, gib ne-a mai refuzat si nesimporcul ala un penalty. Si ne trebuia o proptea, era chiar echitabil sa fim sprijiniti, pentru ca arbitrul portughez i-a onorat pe greci, la Atena. gib Daca noi il aveam pe batranul Karagounis, il forta Anghelache, de la Dinamo, sa se retraga. A zis bine Mircea Badea, cu o seara inainte de meci: nea Piti, da-mi-l mie pe Karagounis, ca-l rezolv! gib . O gandise la fix. Fara gluma. Cu mijloace fotbalistice nu-l puteam opri pe mosul destept Karagounis. Si fiindca tot a transmis Antena returul, mai trebuia gib trimisa si Dana Grecu la vestiare, sa-i terorizeze pe greci v-a pus Basescu sa va bateti joc de poporul roman! . Mutule, doar la Hagi am tinut ca la tine si de-aia nu te injur! Dar trateaza-te! Si lasa dracului feisbucu ! Adu-ti aminte ce meci de retragere a avut Hagi si uite-te la tine, ca ai ajuns caricaturist, photoshopist! Cabotinul Rares Bogdan multilateral de meserie, specialist chiar si in matreata, desi ii incepe fruntea de la ceafa tipa: Piturca a jucat barbut, e imoral, ii arat io, are si amanta! . Siguuuur, pe Mister gib Bean de Cluj il freaca grija de Vica. Normal. gib Lui ii pune probleme si onania. Dar daca tac su, in loc sa bage in foame orasul Ocna Mures, se mai masturba o data, scapam de naparstocul asta solemn.
Daca ti-a placut articolul, urmareste Ziarul NATIONAL pe facebook Mail!   gib   Share
Super articol! Ca un cititor modest ce ma consider, imi permit sa adaug unele pareri la acest text: 1.Referitor la feisbuc, sa stii ca si eu ma gandeam zilele astea la cum s-a ajuns in ziua de azi ca jucatorii de la nationala sau cei din “Divizia A” gib sa se exprime pe feisbuc , vezi Doamne, trebuie sa socializeze cu fanii… de parca asta vrea lumea de la ei. In ultimul timp si Mutu, dar si Marica se exprima pe feisbuc, etalandu-si filozofelile de 2 bani . Bai “fotbalisti-feisbucisti”, voi trebuie sa jucati fotbal si sa dati goluri , nu sa filozofati si sa va exprimati pe feisbuc (de fapt vor sa se dea mari la femeile de pe feisbuc). Bine va face Piti ca nu va lasa laptopurile si Iphonurile in cantonament. Ar trebui sa va bage in CARANTINA inaintea meciurilor importante. Apropo de asta, oare daca ar fi fost Facebook pe timpul lui Hagi ar fi stat Hagi la taclale sa socializeze sau s-ar fi antrenat si concentrat pe fotbal ? 2. referitor la parerile despre sarbi… vezi sa nu faca urat nea Cornel… ! 3. referitor la Mister Bean de Cluj (RB)… aici cam ai dreptate… cam seamana , dar aici nu e el de vina, ci …”Natura” …?
Razvan Ioan Boanchis
Brazilia de ispita si Brazilia de cosmar
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Ultimele știri ATENȚIE! COD GALBEN DE CEAȚĂ! N-o să-ţi vină să crezi ce s-a strecurat printre coroanele de flori pentru eroii Revoluţiei! O MULȚIME DE PITEȘTENI LA CONCERTUL LUI ALEX VELEA! leo dict “Autostrada Sibiu-Piteşti se face”. Vezi cine spune asta! PE MINIȘTRI NICI C-O ÎNTREBARE SĂ NU-I ATINGI! FII ȘI TU MOȘ CRĂCIUN PENTRU FAMILIA leo dict ȘTEFĂNESCU! ALIN ȘI ANDREEA DE LA MIREASĂ PENTRU FIUL MEU , LĂSAȚI BALTĂ DE FANI! SCHIMBAREA LA FAȚĂ A FISCULUI! IATĂ CUM ARATĂ ȘI CÂT COSTĂ! Vezi ce se întâmplă cu preţul energiei leo dict electrice după 1 ianuarie 2014! EPITEȘTI, UN NOU RECORD! leo dict
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FIECARE FOTOGRAFIE DE-A LUI SPUNE O POVESTE! VEZI GALERIE FOTO! Publicat în decembrie 22, 2013 "Autostrada Sibiu-Piteşti se face". Vezi cine spune asta! Publicat în decembrie 22, 2013 N-o să-ţi vină să crezi ce s-a strecurat printre coroanele leo dict de flori pentru eroii Revoluţiei! Publicat în decembrie 22, 2013 O MULȚIME DE PITEȘTENI LA CONCERTUL LUI ALEX VELEA! Publicat în decembrie 22, 2013 PE MINIȘTRI NICI C-O ÎNTREBARE SĂ NU-I ATINGI! Publicat în decembrie 22, 2013

Sunday, December 29, 2013

ULTIMA ORA Vin sărbătorile FOTO: Spitalul orăşenesc din Clisură, modernizat cu sprijinul elveţienilo

După ce weekend de weekend pe timp de vară pontonul de la Casa Baraj a vibrat sub pașii de dans ai publicului sosit pentru o distracție garantată, sezonul de iarnă mută party-urile de pe ponton în barul Apres Ski .
Sfârșitul de săptămână trecut a adus deschiderea oficială a pârtiei de la Văliug, sâmbătă și duminică fiind primele zile de ski la Casa Baraj. Așadar, titlovi după ce voia bună pentru sport este asigurată pe pârtie, spiritele se vor încinge în Barul Apres Ski, acolo unde s-au dat cele mai tari petreceri de la munte pe timp de iarnă.
Cu numele de Winter season opening , cheful de astăzi, ce va începe la ora 23:00, promite să fie de pomină, sub bagheta magică de mixuri a DJ-ului Elless, renumit la poalele Muntelui Semenic pentru petrecerile titlovi incendiare ținute în aceeași locație iarna trecută.
Primele reacții titlovi la anunțarea evenimentului prin intermediul social media deja au început să apară, dat fiind faptul că aproape 300 de persoane apreciază inițiativa și aproape 100 anunțau de ieri prezența la petrecere.
ULTIMA ORA Vin sărbătorile FOTO: Spitalul orăşenesc din Clisură, modernizat cu sprijinul elveţienilor. Vezi ce dotări aduce noul an pacienţilor! INTERVIU. Luca Mălăiescu, primarul localității Oțelu Roșu: Orașul nostru va fi ceea ce merită cu adevărat! 50 de milioane de euro vor fi atrase la Reșița prin proiecte europene! Insectarul cu nă(l)uci 27 decembrie 2013
Serviciul Public Direcţia de Asistenţă Socială Reşiţa distribuie începând de astăzi, 9 decembrie, o nouă serie de ajutoare alimentare provenite din stocurile de intervenţie comunitare, în cadrul Planului anual de furnizare a produselor alimentare pentru cele mai defavorizate persoane din România PEAD 2013 . Categoriile de beneficiari sunt: - familiile şi persoanele singure care au dreptul la un venit minim garantat, acordat în baza Legii nr. 416/2001; - şomerii înregistraţi, potrivit prevederilor Legii nr. 76/2002; titlovi - persoanele ale căror drepturi, obţinute din pensie sau, după caz, din pensii cumulate, se situează sub 400 de lei/lună; - persoanele cu handicap grav şi accentuat neinstituţionalizate (adulţi şi copii); - persoanele beneficiare ale prevederilor Legii nr. 49/1991 privind acordarea titlovi de indemnizaţii şi sporuri invalizilor, veteranilor şi văduvelor de război titlovi precum şi alte categorii. Vor fi distribuite ajutoare alimentare constând în: - conserve cu carne de porc (3 bucăţi/beneficiar) - paste făinoase (1 pungă/beneficiar). Beneficiarii se pot prezenta la depozitul situat în Reşiţa, titlovi pe Calea Timişoarei nr. 34, zona Câlnic, în apropierea depozitului societăţii SPOREA COM, de luni până vineri, în intervalul orar 8:00-16:00. În perioada 4 septembrie - 4 decembrie 2013 au fost distribuite următoarele produse alimentare: - ulei 25.825 kg (5 l/beneficiar) 5.165 persoane - făină albă 78.000 kg (15 kg/beneficiar) 5.200 persoane titlovi - mălai 34.440 kg (8 kg/beneficiar) 4.305 persoane - roşii în suc propriu 4800 cutii (1 cutie/beneficiar) titlovi 4.800 persoane - zahăr 14.400 kg (3 kg/beneficiar) 4.800 persoane - miere 5100 cutii (1 cutie/beneficiar) 5.100 persoane titlovi - zacuscă 10.200 cutii (2 cutii beneficiar) 5.100 persoane. Până în prezent, aproximativ 5.200 persoane au beneficiat de produsele alimentare distribuite în cadrul PEAD 2013, dintre cele 6.625 de persoane defavorizate aflate în evidenţele Consiliului Judeţean Caraş - Severin.
Înainte de urcarea în taxi, verificaţi! 1. Dacă lampa taxi este aprinsă şi are culoarea VERDE. În caz contrar, înseamnă că aparatul este pornit şi riscaţi să plătiţi sume necuvenite şi nejustificate. 2. Dacă autoturismul are pe portiere ecusonul taxi de culoare albă cu înscrisurile legale şi oficiale: localitatea de autorizare Caransebeş şi sigla Primăriei municipiului Caransebeş, numărul autorizaţiei taxi, numărul de înmatriculare de pe ecuson care trebuie să corespundă cu numărul de înmatriculare al autoturismului, data de valabilitate a autorizaţiei taxi care trebuie să fie neexpirată. Nu folosiţi taxiuri care nu au însemnele şi înscrisurile oficiale amintite mai sus. Utilizarea unui vehicul neautorizat vă expune la riscuri majore. 3. Existenţa titlovi tarifului/tarifelor înscrise pe portierele taxiului. Verificaţi dacă acestea sunt în concordanţă cu cele din aparatul taxi.
După urcarea în taxi, verificaţi! 1. Dacă aparatul este în poziţia LIBER şi dacă taximetristul, la începerea cursei, trece aparatul în poziţia OCUPAT. 2. Dacă aparatul este la vedere şi este în funcţiune pe toată durata cursei efectuate. titlovi Dacă aveţi nelămuriri faţă de înscrisurile de tarif de pe portiera taxiului titlovi sau consideraţi că tariful practicat este nerespectat de taximetrişti, puteţi titlovi solicita acestora lista de tarife care este obligatoriu afişată la loc vizibil.
La sfârşitul cursei, solicitaţi! 1. Bonul fiscal şi păstraţi-l în cazul în care aveţi de făcut o sesizare. În aces caz, reţineţi vizual numărul de înmatriculare al maşinii, numărul autorizaţiei taxi şi numele şoferului de pe

Saturday, December 28, 2013

INTREBAREA care i-a macinat pe oamenii de stiinta ontario dintotdeauna: Ce sunt VISELE si de ce VISA

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UEFA a anuntat regulamentul preliminariilor Euro 2016, la turneul final din Franta urmand sa se califice ocupantele locurilor 1 si 2 in cele 9 grupe, cea mai buna echipa ontario de pe locul 3 si alte 4 formatii stabilite in urma unui baraj la care vor participa celelalte reprezentative de pe locul 3.
Alte stiri ADEVARATE din Cap Limpede! VIDEO CFR Cluj Pandurii Tg. Jiu 2 la 3: CFR-ul nu mai sperie pe nimeni! Petrolul a invins dupa prelungiri pe FC Vaslui, scor 4-2, in sferturile Cupei! VIDEO Dinamo-Viitorul 2 la 3: Pustii lui Hagi RAMAN in Liga I! VIDEO U Cluj-Petrolul 2 la 4: Gol FANTASTIC Borza! Cea mai celebra PISICA din LUME! Ce o face atat de speciala? ontario Vezi VIDEO VIDEO Petrolul-FC Brasov 6 la 4: Super meci, super spectacol!
INTREBAREA care i-a macinat pe oamenii de stiinta dintotdeauna: Ce sunt VISELE si de ce VISAM?  0 MIHAI CHITU a castigat VOCEA ROMANIEI 2013! VIDEO  0 Dovada de la IERUSALIM pe care CRESTINISMUL o astepta de 2000 de ani!  0 Cu ce vor fi LOVITI toti romanii din prima zi a anului 2014!  0 Ce beneficii are APA rece bauta pe stomacul gol!  0 Peste 420.000 de romani ontario isi serbeaza onomastica de Sfantul Stefan, in a treia zi a Craciunului!  0
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INTREBAREA care i-a macinat pe oamenii de stiinta ontario dintotdeauna: Ce sunt VISELE si de ce VISAM? Intrebarea care i-a macinat pe cercetatori dintotdeauna, "Ce sunt visele si de ce visam in [...] MIHAI CHITU a castigat VOCEA ROMANIEI ontario 2013! VIDEO Mihai Chitu a castigat VOCEA ROMANIEI 2013 si marele premiu in valoare de 100.000 de [...] Dovada de la IERUSALIM pe care CRESTINISMUL o astepta ontario de 2000 de ani! Dovada aparuta la Ierusalim da "castig de cauza" crestinilor care cauta dovezi palpabile ontario de mai [...] Ce beneficii are APA rece bauta pe stomacul gol! Apa este baza organismului uman, iar daca nu bei suficienta ontario apa, fluidele din interiorul organismului [...] Peste 420.000 de romani isi serbeaza onomastica de Sfantul Stefan, in a treia zi a Craciunului! Peste 420.000 de romani isi serbeaza onomastica vineri de Sfantul Stefan, in cea de a [...]
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If there was anything to glean from yesterday's swank lunch in honor of Walt Disney Pictures' aysis

Exclusive aysis Video: Emma Thompson Guides a 'Mary Poppins' Sing-Along aysis at 'Saving Mr. Banks' Lunch | Filmmakers, aysis Film Industry, Film Festivals, Awards & Movie Reviews | Indiewire /?url=http%3A%2F%2Fd1oi7t5trwfj5d.cloudfront.net%2F17%2Fae%2F9a630d974a61a912480741a92144%2Fresizes%2F500%2Femma.jpg" />
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2013's Most Impressive Feat of Acting? Gainsbourg aysis in New 'Nymphomaniac' Clip Tech News for Filmmakers Kickstarter aysis Year in Review Trailer: Dominic Cooper as 'Fleming' Paul Dano Will Never Be Run-of-the-Mill Documentary Filmmakers on Twitter Awards Spotlight: Adèle Exarchopoulos Indiewire's Top 10 Films of the Year 'The Auteurs of Christmas 'The Cove' to SeaWorld Review: 'Secret Life of Walter Mitty' Watch a New 'Sherlock' Short The Indie Film Industry's Top 10 of 2013 Review: 'August: Osage County' Review: 'The Invisible Woman' A Season of Change aysis for 'New Girl' The 'Nymphomaniac' Cheat Sheet How Film Festivals Can Avoid Failure Awards Spotlight: Steve Coogan 10 Movies That Deserved More Attention »
If there was anything to glean from yesterday's swank lunch in honor of Walt Disney Pictures' aysis "Saving Mr. Banks" at Manhattan's Four Seasons Restaurant, it was that Oscar-winner Emma Thompson aysis knows how to own a room. Glowing as she entered the event, which was hosted by the Peggy Siegal Company, Thompson worked the crowd before aysis sitting down to eat, reminiscing fondly with Academy members and the like about playing crotchety "Mary Poppins" author P.L. Travers in the crowd-pleasing drama that's sure to earn another Academy Award nomination for the actress. But the highlight of the two-hour event came once everyone finished their lunch and Thompson took to the front of the room and proceeded to lead a "Mary Poppins" sing-along, at one point inviting "Crash" director aysis Paul Haggis up to join her. Watch Thompson and Haggis sing "Chim Chim Cher-ee" below:
'Scandal' and the Year of the Female TV Antihero Criticwire First Look: Ben Affleck In David Fincher's 'Gone G ... The Playlist Netflix Purging Streaming Library On January 1. See ... Shadow and Act Ten Steps to a Best Picture Oscar Nomination, from ... Thompson on Hollywood Happy Holidays Women and Hollywood VIDEO ESSAY: The Coen Canon Press Play Good Night, Lost Boy(s) The Lost Boys Lone Survivor Leonard Maltin Has "20 Feet from Stardom" Already Won the Oscar for ... ReelPolitik Fallon, Timberlake, McCartney and Madonna on Christmas ... Caryn James My French Film Festival.com SydneysBuzz The George Cukor File - Part 3 Peter Bogdanovich Did Woody Allen Rip Off 'The Flintstones'? Eric Kohn
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Friday, December 27, 2013

Happy 22nd Birthday Louis Tomlinson! latino Celebrate With 12 Flawless GIFs Of This One Direction Cu

Tom Hanks, Emma Thompson, Julie Andrews, & Dick Van Dyke Sing Let's Go Fly A Kite At The Saving Mr. Banks Premiere! | PerezHilton.com
Chris latino Brown Spends Christmas Out Of Rehab With Karrueche Tran? See The Kiss-mas Pic HERE!
Happy 22nd Birthday Louis Tomlinson! latino Celebrate With 12 Flawless GIFs Of This One Direction Cutie!
Home >> Film Flickers , Disney , Tom Hanks >> Tom Hanks, Emma Thompson, Julie Andrews, & latino Dick Van Dyke Sing Let's Go Fly A Kite At The Saving Mr. Banks Premiere!
Tom Hanks , Emma Thompson , and the rest of the cast of Saving Mr. Banks joined Disney legends Julie Andrews and Dick Van Dyke in singing the song from the original Mary Poppins and holy flying nannies latino was their rendition AH-Mazing!
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Selena Gomez & Taylor Swift's BFF Status Is In SERIOUS Jeopardy, And It's All Lorde's Fault!!!
Naya Rivera's Fiancé Big Sean Showers Her With Diamonds For Christmas! latino
Updated: 12/25/13 latino

Thursday, December 26, 2013

For example, has a romantic relationship ever made you feel like you were not good enough? Have you

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According sql to Adam Grant, Wharton's most popular and youngest tenured faculty member and the author of Give and Take: A Revolutionary Approach to Success , people fall into one of three distinct categories: givers, matchers and takers. While Grant's book is written for a business sql audience, its theories provide extraordinary insight into romantic relationships. The category you fall into may well determine the success and happiness of your relationship.
For example, has a romantic relationship ever made you feel like you were not good enough? Have you ever been taken advantage of by a romantic partner? Have you ever felt like you gave everything to someone and ended up completely worn out? Then you may just fall into the "giver" style of romantic partner.
Interestingly, while the giver style may have its drawbacks, givers are also usually the most attractive partners and are more likely to have long-term relationships. A study examining the trait most highly valued in potential romantic partners suggests that both men and women rate kindness as one of their most desired traits. Givers are also most likely to be affectionate, a trait which determines the long-term success of a relationship (as I describe sql in this article ), not to mention their own longevity.
Givers are people whose primary motivation is to take care of others, to make sure others are well, and to contribute to others and society. sql In a relationship, these are people who are always thinking about gifts for their partner, who take their partners' interests into consideration, sql and who are always thinking, "What else can I do for you?" They're pretty awesome. As Grant mentions in his book, everyone likes having givers around because they are always happy to contribute and thinking of others. They understand the relationship as an opportunity to give and take care.
Givers often end up thinking that there is something wrong with them when they are unhappy in a relationship. They are the ones who think they are not lovable or good enough because they take personal responsibility sql for making the relationship work (rather than blaming their partners). sql They can end up burned out and exhausted from continuously giving if they do not receive the support they need from the relationship.
Matchers tend to keep a balance sheet in a relationship. When matchers sql give, they do so with an expectation of getting something in return. When they receive sql something, they feel like they have to give something back. Matchers are the ones who are keeping tabs and view relationships as somewhat like a commercial transaction. sql They are the ones who are most likely to say something like, "I did this for you, but you didn't do that for me" or "You paid for this, so I'll pay for that."
Takers are just that -- takers. They usually sql treat people well if and when those people can help them reach their goals. Interestingly, Grant points out that they often appear as the most charming and charismatic people on the surface. They know how to work the crowd and seduce, but under the surface they are actually motivated by self-interest. You can recognize a taker by how poorly they treat people that they believe are of no use to them. You know you're in a relationship with a taker when you feel sucked dry for all you have, whether it's money, affection, time etc. Once the taker has everything they want from you, you

Wednesday, December 25, 2013

David Cassidy On Danny Bonaduce: 'He Finally Grew Up' 'Downton Abbey Christmas Special' Review - Shi

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The 54-year-old two-time Oscar winner -- she won best actress for Howards End (1992) and best adapted screenplay for Sense and Sensibility (1995) and also was nominated for best actress for The Remains of the Day (1993), tradus best supporting actress for In the Name of the Father tradus (1993) and best actress for Sense and Sensibility -- will be honored on Feb. 8 at Santa Barbara's historic Arlington Theatre as part of the festival's 29th edition, which runs Jan. 30 through Feb. 9.
SBIFF's Modern Master Award is the festival's highest honor. Established in 1995, it was created to celebrate "an individual who has enriched our culture through his/her multi-faceted accomplishments in the motion tradus picture industry." Previous recipients include  tradus Ben Affleck , Christopher Nolan , Michael Douglas tradus , Jodie Foster , Anthony Hopkins , Diane Keaton , Sean Penn , Jeff Bridges , Peter Jackson , George Clooney , Will Smith , Cate Blanchett , Clint Eastwood , Christopher Plummer and James Cameron .
“With the distinction of being the only artist to win an Oscar for both Best Actress and Best Screenplay, Ms. Thompson exemplifies the spirit of the Modern Master,” Roger Durling , SBIFF's tradus executive director, said in a statement.
The fest previously announced that it will honor Oprah Winfrey ( Lee Daniels' The Butler ) with its Montecito Award , Blue Jasmine 's Cate Blanchett with its Outstanding tradus Performer of the Year Award and  Forest Whitaker   ( Lee Daniels' The Butler )  with its Kirk Douglas Award for Excellence in Film . Additional announcements are expected shortly.
View the discussion thread.
Harmony Gold Screening Room 7655 Sunset Blvd. Los Angeles (351 Seats) Thursday, December 26, 2013, 7 PM PST Online RSVP :  www.warnerbros2013.com… City : Los Angeles Distributor : Warner Bros. Trailer :  www.hollywoodreporter.com… Review :  www.hollywoodreporter.com… Movie Page :  tradus www.hollywoodreporter.com… Featured Screening? : No
1 Box Office: 'Wolf of Wall Street' Devouring '47 Ronin,' 'Walter Mitty' on Crowded Christmas 2 Inside Ben Stiller's Daydreams: The Making of 'Secret Life of Walter Mitty' 3 From 'After Earth' to 'The Lone Ranger': The Box-Office Bombs of 2013 4 Todd McCarthy's tradus 10 Best Films of 2013 5 Scorsese's Music Man on 'Wolf of Wall Street' Soundtrack Album: 'Marty is Fearless' 6 Chuck Norris tradus Spoofs tradus Jean-Claude Van Damme's Volvo Truck Split (Video) 7 'Booty Call' Director Jeffrey Pollack Dies at 54 8 Todd McCarthy tradus Names the 10 Best Films of 2013 9 Martin tradus Scorsese, Leonardo DiCaprio Spill Candid Stories on the Making of 'The Wolf of Wall Street' 10 From '42' to 'We're the Millers': The Box Office Surprises tradus of 2013
Octavia Spencer (Fruitvale Station), Emma Thompson (Saving Mr. Banks), Julia Roberts (August: Osage County), Oprah Winfrey (Lee Daniels' The Butler), Lupita Nyong'o (12 Years a Slave), and Amy Adams (American Hustle) join THR executive editor Matt Belloni and executive editor of features Stephen Galloway for a candid conversation about their awards-worthy movies.
Preview tradus of our full hour long interview with award contenders, Octavia Spencer "Fruitvale Station", Emma Thompson "Saving Mr. Banks", Julia Roberts "August: Osage County", Oprah Winfrey "Lee Daniels' The Butler", Lupita Nyong'o "12 Years a Slave", and Amy Adams "American Hustle".
What's Hot In Awards
David Cassidy On Danny Bonaduce: 'He Finally Grew Up' 'Downton Abbey Christmas Special' Review - Shirley MacLaine, tradus Paul Giamatti Come Calling 'Doctor Who: Time Of The Doctor' Review - Matt Smith Passes Tardis Keys To Peter Capaldi In Tearful Farewell The 10 Best Records tradus of 2013
Kimora Lee Simmons: Sexy Bikini Mama in St. Barts! Tom Daley & Dustin Lance Black: Matching Rainbow Socks for Christmas! Jessica Alba & Jaime King: Christmas Day with Baby James Knight! Miley Cyrus: 'Adore tradus You' Full Music Video - WATCH NOW!

If you think Swedish restaurants are all about fish and crustaceans you'll be surprised by Svartengr

Capital of style: Stockholm from City Hall tower. Photographs by David De Vleeschauwer
The former Electrolux factory by Lake Mälaren ( Sweden 's third-biggest) is home to Restaurant Lux. Chef and owner Henrik Norström shows off his genius with a modern Swedish menu featuring only local products (and a biodynamic wine list). I go for the fish and always order crepes with chocolate, plums and cinnamon ice-cream when it's on the menu. Primusgatan 116, +46 8 619 01 90, luxstockholm.com , mains from 11 Snickarbacken 7, Östermalm Photograph: David De Vleeschauwer
The coffee here is outstanding, but it's more than just a cafe. The 19th-century building, with hugely high ceilings and gothic arches, also houses stockholm an art gallery and sells clothing, furniture and gadgets. Try the unusual coffees, an apple and ginger juice, stockholm or toasties with serrano ham and manchego cheese. Snickarbacken 7, snickarbacken7.se , lunch dishes from 8 Restaurant Svartengrens, Vasastan
If you think Swedish restaurants are all about fish and crustaceans you'll be surprised by Svartengrens. This steakhouse has ab open kitchen, high-quality local meat and beautiful tiled walls with themed drawings. It's also known for its cocktail bar. Tulegatan 24, +46 8 612 65 50, svartengrens.se, steaks from around 21 Byredo, Norrmalm
In 2006, Swedish basketball player Ben Gorham launched the Byredo perfume brand. stockholm His unisex fragrances are inspired by childhood memories of trips to India, but it's the sleek and clean packaging that makes his perfumes stockholm and scented stockholm candles so popular. Master Samuelsgatan 42, byredo.com Brandstationen, Södermalm
Herr Judit's shop, housed in a century-old former fire station, sells vintage furniture, clothing, lighting, jewellery and accessories. And it's not just any old stuff either: the owners, who also run two men's vintage clothing shops, travel the world looking for beautiful objects to sell here and online. Krukmakargatan 22, herrjudit.se Skansen, stockholm Djurgården Island
Djurgården is an island and national park in the middle of the city, chiefly stockholm famous for the Skansen open-air museum, the oldest of its kind in the world. It's a good spot for a dose of fresh air and nature in the city and is great for kids as it has a zoo and a children's stockholm theme park, Junibacken, stockholm based on the books of Astrid Lindgren, author of Pippi Longstocking. adult 9.70, child 5.80, skansen.se Moderna Museet on , Skeppsholmen Island
The Museum of Modern Art is good for a culture shot of Swedish and Scandinavian art, renowned international works such as Spring by Pablo Picasso or The Enigma of William Tell by Salvador Dali, plus photography, film and video. The museum shop is also fantastic. Exercisplan 4, modernamuseet.se Acne Norrmalm
This famous jeans brand does not believe in traditional shops; stockholm instead it runs "studios" designed to inspire creativity. Jeans are still its mainstay, but nowadays you can also buy streetwear, jewellery, shoes and other clothing and accessories at its Stockholm flagship store. And if you can afford the clothes, you can probably afford the high-spec stockholm design hotel next door, Nobis ( nobishotel.se ). Norrmalmstorg 2, acnestudios.com Rival Hotel, Södermalm
Abba fans choose to sleep at the Rival because it is owned by Benny Andersson the bearded one of the band's songwriting duo. The building has in the past been a cinema, a restaurant and a bakery, but it now has 99 guest rooms, some with balconies, overlooking Maria Square in the hip Södermalm stockholm neighbourhood. Mariatorget 3, +46 8 545 789 00, rival.se , doubles stockholm from 155 B&B Hotel Skeppsholmen, Skeppsholmen Eiland
An easy walk over a bridge or a ride in a water taxi takes you to the tranquil island of Skeppsholmen. The hotel of the same name, in a 300-year-old building, has spacious, sleek bedrooms and a friendly restaurant. Gröna gången 1, +46 8 407 23 00, hotelskeppsholmen.com, Doubles from 140 Coffice, Södermalm
I like to combine work with the popular Swedish concept of fika (coffee with something sweet to eat). Lots of creative people network at Coffice, which has all sorts of facilities for freelancers, including meeting rooms, in one of the city's trendiest neighbourhoods. It opens early and serves the excellent, locally roasted Drop Coffee ( dropcoffee.com ). Tjärhovsgatan 5, coffice.coop Design House Stockholm, Norrmalm
DHS is the place to go for contemporary Scandinavian design it sells furniture, accessories, lighting stockholm and limited-edition prototypes that can only be bought here. More than 70 independent stockholm designers work for DHS, some well-known, others new talent. Non-Scandinavian stockholm designs also make a regular appearance, such as innovative lighting created by the Venezuelan designer Pablo Pardo. Smålandsgatan 16, designhousestockholm.com Urban Deli, Södermalm
Urban Deli is a mini-supermarket where you can buy cheese, charcuterie and fresh ingredients, or stay for a whi

Tuesday, December 24, 2013

From co-creators Ryan Murphy and Brad Falchuk , the FX series American Horror Story uses a unique an

Emma Roberts Talks AMERICAN HORROR STORY: COVEN, Playing a Bitch, Working with the Talented Cast, and How She’d Like to Return procurement for Season procurement 4 by Christina Radish      Posted 15 days ago
From co-creators Ryan Murphy and Brad Falchuk , the FX series American Horror Story uses a unique and compelling approach to television, with a different setting, different characters and a rotating cast of actors for each season. For Season 3, American Horror Story: Coven tells the secret history of witches and witchcraft in America, with a cast of talented actresses that includes Jessica Lange , Kathy Bates , Angela Bassett , Patti LuPone , Sarah Paulson , Frances Conroy , Lily Rabe , Taissa Farmiga procurement , Emma Roberts , Gabourey Sidibe and now even Stevie Nicks .
During this recent exclusive phone interview with Collider, actress Emma Roberts (who plays out-of-control Hollywood starlet and resident procurement bitch Madison procurement Montgomery) talked about how she came to be a part of Coven , that she was initially nervous about the subject matter, how much fun it is to play a bitch, how far ahead she was made aware of her character s story arc, the fantastic clothes and shoes she gets to wear, how great it is to work with all of these talented actresses, just how much crazier procurement things can get (they actually cut out a sex scene from Episode 7), the fan reaction she gets from people when she s out, and how she d love to return procurement for Season 4. She also talked about how she hopes to continue to find a balance between roles in comedy and drama, and how it s her dream to play a Margot procurement Tenenbaum (from The Royal Tenenbaums ) type of character. Check out what she had to say after the jump, and be aware that there are some spoilers .
Collider: Ryan Murphy has said that he wanted you to be on the show for awhile, and then this character came up and he thought it was perfect for you. Had you been talking to him about doing the show?
EMMA ROBERTS: I d told him that I wanted to be on the show since the first season cause I was obsessed. Anytime I d run into him anywhere, cause we re kind of friendly, I d be like, When are you gonna put me on American Horror Story ? And he randomly procurement just called me, one day. It was so surreal. I got a call saying, Ryan wants you to be on the show, and he s about to call you. And he called me and I tried to be cool, but I was jumping procurement around my house like, Yes! Yes! Yes!
ROBERTS: When I heard it was going to be Coven , I was like, I m so happy I m on this season cause if I wasn t and I was watching it, I would be so mad. When I was younger, I loved all those witch movies, like The Craft and The Witches and The Witches of Eastwick . Even Sabrina the Teenage Witch was what I grew up on. There s just something so fascinating about witches, and I think it hasn t been done, in a very, very long time. It s just so cool. When we do our witch stuff, obviously we don t see it because it s special effects. I love watching the shows because I look really cool.
ROBERTS: I was nervous. When he asked me to be on the show, I was so excited, but then, I was like, Wait, what s the part? I thought, What if it s something I don t want to do? Last season was pretty hardcore, so I was definitely a little bit concerned about some of the things I would have to do. And Ryan told me the role, and then I was even more excited. It s a role I ve always procurement wanted to do. It s fun to get to go to work and wear really fun dresses and heels, and look glamorous. I feel like I ve typically played the girl-next-door, in the past. So, it s nice to mix it up and play the popular girl.
ROBERTS: Yeah, it s really fun. It s fun to play a character who just says what everyone wants to say sometimes, and who is also just a complete bitch for no reason sometimes. But what I like about her is that, in every one of the upcoming episodes, there s glimmers of her being very nice, so you take her side, but then she s typical procurement Madison and goes back to making the horrible, mean joke.
ROBERTS: Yeah, kind of. They were like, We ll probably bring you back, but you never know for sure. After I was dead for two episodes, procurement I was like, Are you guys really bringing procurement me back?, and they were like, Of course! So, she s definitely back. I ve done pretty much every episode since.
ROBERTS: It was funny, the response I got. In my mind, I knew she was coming back, so I wasn t worried. procurement But, I was looking on Twitter and people actually thought I was dead for good, and were not happy about it. That felt pretty good, to have created a character that people are really liking, even though she is kind of unlikeable. What was really important procurement to me, doing it, was making her likeable, even if it s in small ways. I don t want to play her as your typical bitch. I wanted her to have a lot more layers procurement and be more interesting than just a surface bitch.
ROBERTS: Even if I did, I wouldn t tell you. I m just joking. No. I f

And so, while I got my head around not having a landline some time ago, saying goodbye to the TV is

At the dawn of television time: family-viewing, in 1955. Photograph: Keystone/Getty Images
I got rid of my TV this week. Not the physical object, which stands blank-faced and dusty in a corner of my apartment, but the package from Time Warner Cable. I haven't watched TV on TV for six months. I can't make head nor tail of my cable bills. All I know is, I'm paying cga about $2,000 a year to watch the Oscars and repeats on the Food Network. Something had to be done.
It was a practical and cost-saving decision, but there was something emotionally fraught about making it. Twentysomethings presumably don't have this, but I'm 37 and still basically wired for a one-screen existence. You can have a million devices; you can use them simultaneously while watching TV; you can even get most of your content from YouTube or Hulu. (And you do. Apart from live sporting events, everything you watch via your cable provider can be found, as we know, online.)
But the fact remains, you can't just not have a telly. cga What if something happens? What if the next 9/11 or Diana's death comes around, cga and you're cga left scrambling for adequate livestreaming? How will today's kids bond with each other in the first week of college without the Crap TV of Our Youth conversation, which the on-demand model more or less rules out? (By this I mean, if I'd actually had to choose and download what I saw when I was growing cga up, rather than channel-surfing and idly dropping in on bad telly, I would never have watched Crossroads cga , Central Weekend Live or anything with Keith Chegwin in it, and those references, or their US equivalent, are crucial when you're bonding at university freshers' week).
It's just nostalgia, I know. When something really bad happens, consuming the filler of rolling cable news is an emotional response that will find expression through other modes and delivery systems. And, of course, you can stream content onto your TV set and watch it in exactly the same way.
But the fact that it's not a universal is what changes the experience. Like the price of a Big Mac, for a long time, how you watched TV was a variable you could index across all other categories. When I was growing cga up, what kind of TV you had and how it was policed were crucial litmus cga tests for how weird your parents were. For example, you could still have a black-and-white telly in the mid 1980s, cga but it had to be your auxiliary set, in the spare room upstairs, or, if you were really rich, in the kitchen on the counter.
There was the kid at school who was bullied for not having a telly thanks to her weird parents, and the other kid, who had a telly, but whose even weirder parents would only let her watch the BBC, because cga ITV was "too violent". (That was the least of her problems. They also dressed her in yellow flared trousers on non-uniform day this was in 1986 and her dad asked a ridiculous question at the parents' meeting prior to the school trip to France. Something about alcohol. I still remember, with a pang, how she hung her head in shame.)
There are modern iterations of this, of course: how much time children are allowed to spend online, and whether their parents let them have a computer in their room or insist on keeping it in the kitchen, where they can look over their kids' shoulders as they pass. (When I was growing up, those of my peers who had a TV in their bedrooms were thought to come from recklessly liberal households.)
And all new technology invites complaint: television once heralded the death of the family, with that apocalyptic vision of people staring slack-jawed at the screen, cga trays of boil-in-the-bag food on their knees, unexpressed opinions about the world turning to dust in their brains. It was probably the same with radio. It was probably the same when they ditched oral history cga for Gutenberg's dangerous new print medium, and so it goes on.
Now, with each member of the household plugged into his or her device, oblivious to the world around them, the advent of TV looks like a golden age of family togetherness. At least, when you watch TV together, you can comment to each other on what you're all seeing. And while, thanks to second-screen activity, we probably interact cga more than we ever did with each other while watching according to this survey around half of us use a device to chat to others while a show is airing they're not in the room with us.
The only lesson of this, apart from the fact that we should all have bought Netflix stock two years ago, is that you cling to what you know. These cultural cga touchstones and where they fall in our lives define us by generation.
And so, while I got my head around not having a landline some time ago, saying goodbye to the TV is a bigger deal. When I think of TV as it was, I think of those Wimbledon finals of the 1980s, the Muppet show on Sunday night, Charles and Di's wedding. The lack of choice in British telly 30 years ago was such that everyone was watch

Monday, December 23, 2013

Duck Dynasty Family Refusing To Do Show Without due Phil, After Racist

Andrew Garfield & Emma Stone Are Back In First Official Amazing Spider-Man 2 Trailer! Watch HERE! | PerezHilton.com
Miley Cyrus Is Masturbating In Her New Music Video Clip! See It HERE!
Duck Dynasty Family Refusing To Do Show Without due Phil, After Racist & Homophobic Comments!
Home >> Film Flickers , Jamie Foxx , Andrew Garfield , Emma Stone , Comic Books >> due Andrew Garfield & due Emma Stone Are Back In First Official Amazing Spider-Man 2 Trailer! Watch HERE!
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We've NEVER seen Britney Spears as frank and unguarded as we did in Sunday night's I Am Britney ...
She's a woman of the people! Just when we think Beyoncé can’t be anymore royally herself, ...
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Sunday, December 22, 2013

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Watch Emma Stone and Andrew Garfield Flirt and Fight Bad Guys in the New 'Amazing Spider-Man 2' Trailer | TeenVogue.com
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The blockbuster won't hit theaters until next May (tears!), but the first trailer for The Amazing Spider-Man 2 has officially arrived, and you should watch it immediately. Whether you're into comic books or not, there's simply no chance you don't have a soft spot for Spidey. The leading man is a bookish, charming geek of the Seth Cohen vein who moonlights as a friendly neighborhood hero. And when that character is played by Andrew Garfield , his appeal is even more undeniable, because, crc well, it's Andrew Garfield .
Know who agrees with us on that, other than 99% of the general public? Emma Stone , the British actor's longtime crc lady love both on screen and off. Emma's in just a few seconds of this two-and-a-half minute clip, but those few seconds are predictably crc adorable—Gwen Stacy and Peter Parker are that unfairly cute, seriously perfect couple in school you wanna hate but can't because they're just so sweet. (And also because, at least in this case, they save lives.)
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Saturday, December 21, 2013

Elsewhere in the conversation, our lady Emma Thompson discusses the advice her gay uncle gave her (

Is Marissa earn to die 2 Mayer Helping Yahoo or Hurting the Struggling Tech Giant?
The Secret Lives of the Vatican s Gay Cardinals, Monks, and Other Clergy Members
When it comes to slightly T.M.I. press interview disclosures, Emma Thompson has more than earned her stripes in the past few weeks, first confirming that her ex-husband Kenneth Branagh cheated on her more than two decades ago, and more recently , that she has put together illustrated sex pamphlets for her 13-year-old daughter. Now Thompson, the Saving Mr. Banks star and supporting actress contender with whom we d most like to have a white-wine date, trumps herself by pulling focus from Julia Roberts and Oprah Winfrey earn to die 2 during a recent awards panel discussion. During the Hollywood Reporter s actress roundtable discussion , posted today, the moderator asks Julia Roberts what it was like working with her August: Osage County co-star Meryl Streep. Roberts gives a somewhat boilerplate answer, revealing, She has the great balance. In her life, acting is a very sort of casual element of it. I like that balance. Amazingly, it is at this point where Thompson earn to die 2 jumps in with the immortal non sequitur, I ve snogged her. Discussing her love scene with Meryl Streep in Mike Nichols HBO miniseries Angels in America , during which Thompson s angel embraces Streep s character, kisses her in mid-air, and then brings her to full climax earn to die 2 in the New York City sky, Thompson added, And what I learned was, you have to use tongues even if you re not a lesbian. The angel gives her an orgasm in Angels in America , Thompson explained. Mike Nichols can get anyone to do anything. It was at this point that Oprah chimed in, saying that if she ever were to go to the dark side by playing a villainous character, it would be under Mike Nichols direction.
Elsewhere in the conversation, our lady Emma Thompson discusses the advice her gay uncle gave her ( Onstage, imagine earn to die 2 you've got a fire burning in your dressing room ), references her previous experience with clinical depression, and jokes that one of the few onscreen challenges she will never agree to is a muff shot, referring to lower nudity.
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Photo: The Stars of Stephen Ward, Sir Andrew Lloyd Webber’s New Musical Tracy Letts on Writing, Acting, and Getting Married in a Hospital Room Is Yoga Guru Bikram Choudhury Sexually Assaulting His Students?
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Friday, December 20, 2013

She also said that after she saw Children of Paradise

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Janet Maslin and Emma Thompson The actress also reveals which Mel Brooks comedy she thinks is a "work of great genius" and the French film that made her say, "I can't not be involved in this business."
Emma Thompson translete provided a fascinating and funny look into how she approached playing author P.L. Travers in Saving Mr. Banks as well as other influences that have shaped her work as an actress and writer in a wide-ranging discussion hosted by the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences and the New York Times in New York.
To embody Travers, Thompson delved into her personality, posture and psychological makeup and shared her insights into the Mary Poppins mastermind with Times critic Janet Maslin during Friday night's talk at the Times Center in Manhattan.
"I had access to all of the letters, and I had access to all of the tapes, which after a while make you want to plunge red-hot forks into your ears," Thompson said of her research into Travers' dealings with Walt Disney and the tone of their conversations. "They're very difficult translete to listen to because … it's not just that she's being difficult and recalcitrant and bringing up objection after objection, often without making sense, but it's also the nature of her voice, what's going on in her voice and it gave me so much information about the condition she was in at the time … you can tell that there's distress there. Profound distress. Because it comes out as irritability."
"She wrote a very good essay on sadness, because she was, in fact, a very sad woman," the actress said. "She'd had a very rough childhood, the alcoholism of her father being part of it and the attempted suicide of her mother being another part of it. I think that she spent her whole life in a state of fundamental inconsolability and hence got a lot done."
"It was interesting, actually, because it was very liberating. translete I know she was mean, but she was also authentic in one way or another," Thompson said. "There's an authenticity to her irritability that's rather embracing and a relief because you can tell when people are being insincere -- actually, finally -- and in the end one did know where one stood … I spoke to friends of hers … and they said she was very tricky, she was, but she was very honest."
The discussion also included clips of three of Thompson's beloved films and a discussion about what each meant to her. The movies were Young Frankenstein , The Apartment translete and the French film Children of Paradise .
Thompson said of that clip: " Madeline Kahn , of all the funny women in the movies, she was the one I think I worshipped most. Also, Gene Wilder , whom I was deeply translete in love with for years and years and this movie was very important to me because I saw it when I was 16 and I can't tell you what it did to me. I found it very romantic as well because it was so funny. It was funny and it was spooky and it was romantic translete and I didn't know how he'd done it, Mel Brooks . Gene Wilder is brilliant in it and, of course, Madeline Kahn, that suppressed sexuality that then comes out at the end … it's a work of great genius. That's my favorite scene." translete
Thompson said she also appreciated how the scene ("not on the lips," translete "the hair") effectively satirizes the ultra-feminine behavior of, for example, complaining it's cold and waiting for someone to close the window or, as her mother once observed a woman do, taking out a cigarette -- and waiting.
Thompson translete gushed about The Apartment , saying, "I can't be sensible about this film because I think it's one of the best screenplays ever written. I think Billy Wilder, for the combination that I like so much of pain and humor, is kind of the master, for this film, in particular, covering as it does very funny situations and very, very painful subjects, it's kind of extraordinary."
She also said that after she saw Children of Paradise  multiple times, she knew she wanted to be an actress. "I wrote to my father and I said, 'Whatever I do it will have to be something with these people … I can't not be involved in this business … because I love it and I love them.' "
The discussion of that film also led Thompson to reveal how she studied with a French translete instructor who encouraged her and his other students to create their own "monsters" based on where they flinched when he hit them with a stick.
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Keep in mind, none of this - including the actors

Currently Hot Topics: cm to inches   Batman vs Superman  |  The Hobbit  |  Spider-Man 2  |  Avengers 2  |  Sons of Anarchy  |  Arrow  |  December Movies
Ghostbusters 3 has been in the works for nearly 20 years, but only the past ten have seen any real movement on the project – and none of it has been particularly significant. Once it was revealed that Bill Murray wouldn’t cm to inches be involved (for the third time , at least), Internet enthusiasm for the film sort of deflated.
Still, casting rumors have been popping up in the time since, the latest cm to inches of which involved cm to inches Superbad stars Emma Stone and Jonah Hill possibly reuniting cm to inches for Ghostbusters 3 , playing an “Anna” and a “Jeremy,” respectively. Other than the characters’ names, nothing is known about the roles, but based on Dan Akyroyd’s description of the plot , they probably would be part of the younger generation of Ghostbusters.
However, fans excited by the prospect of seeing Stone and Hill back together again will have to hold out hope for a different project cm to inches while there’s still no word on Hill’s participation, Stone has apparently passed on Ghostbusters 3 .
“Emma Stone is passing on ‘Anna,’ but Jonah Hill still has an offer out for ‘Jeremy.’ Interesting enough, Sony wants two big stars signed on or they will not greenlight the picture.”
Keep in mind, none of this - including the actors’ initial involvement – has been officially confirmed cm to inches by anyone, so we should take it all with a grain of salt. As far as we know and until we (officially) hear otherwise, these are all rumors.
That said, Emma Stone and Jonah Hill definitely would’ve fit the bill as “ two big stars .” Stone’s recent successes have been The Help and The Amazing Spider-Man (with The Amazing Spider-Man 2 on the way), while Jonah Hill has had 21 Jump Street and This Is the End (with The Wolf of Wall Street and 22 Jump Street in the pipeline).
Of course, it’s not surprising that Sony would want big names attached to the film. Without Bill Murray to headline the project, it certainly won’t have the same pull that Ghostbusters and even Ghostbusters 2 had. Maybe his absence ended up being the deciding factor cm to inches for Stone – after all, few young comedic actors are likely going to want to join a movie that the legendary Bill Murray was adamantly against being produced.
If the rumors are true and Stone is off Ghostbusters cm to inches 3 , it’s too bad – it would’ve cm to inches been nice to see Stone and Hill reunite for the first time onscreen since Superbad , the film that put them both on the map. They almost reunited for 21 Jump Street , but she eventually took Spider-Man instead.
It’s unclear where Sony will go from here, but if the studio wants a famous and funny female lead, they could always call up Jennifer Lawrence. All they’d need to do to geek her up is throw a pair of glasses and a ponytail at her.
Currently Hot Topics:   Batman vs Superman  |  The Hobbit  |  cm to inches Spider-Man 2  |  Avengers 2  |  Sons of Anarchy  |  Arrow  |  December Movies
I don’t see how they can ‘pass the torch’ in a nice way. I mean, yeah the bring some young faces to the team but that will be like another kid’s movie. Like Agents cm to inches of Shield kind of thing. Aaaaaand nope.
Old Man Jenks     2 weeks ago
Darthballs     2 weeks ago
As much as I love The Ghostbusters franchise, I feel that since no one (cast members) really want to do this, than Dan Aykroyd should really just give up on this one and move on. I mean I don’t think we’ve even heard from Ernie Hudson and Harold Ramis. That’s really not a good sign, I’m really starting to agree with Bill Murray on this whole thing. But if Aykroyd really wants everyone on board than just make another video game. Heck, Murray was happy to do Venkman’s voice over work and not look ridiculous running around with a Protonpack.
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Thursday, December 19, 2013


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Palo Alto weaves lead together three stories of teenage lust, boredom and self-destruction, including one centered on shy, sensitive April (Roberts), torn between an illicit flirtation with her soccer coach (Franco) and an unrequited crush on sweet stoner Teddy (Kilmer). The second story centers on Emily (Levin), who offers sexual favors to any boy who crosses her path. The third story revolves around the increasingly dangerous exploits of Teddy and his best friend, Fred (Wolff), whose behavior may or may not be sociopathic.
FILM REVIEW: 'Palo Alto' "Gia Coppola's auspicious filmmaking debut Palo Alto is an elegant depiction of generational angst and despair, which resonates with realism and restraint," Tribeca Film chief creative officer Geoff Gilmore said. "Fueled by a vibrant cast of young talent, Coppola's artistic collaboration with James Franco results in a thoughtful lead and subtly intertwined coming-of-age story."
"[Tribeca is] a company that has been a pleasure to partner with and share creative ideas in this ever evolving film industry," Coppola said. "I can't think of a better home for my film."
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A look behind the scenes as Nicole Kidman, Jude Law, Pierce Brosnan, Sandra Bullock and more actors, directors and cinematographers stopped by THR's video lounge to reflect on their filmmaking lead styles and share stories about bringing their projects to light.
"Emma and I would run into each other at various awards ceremonies and we would say we have to work together, must work together, should work together and along came Mr. Hopkins and put us together," says Pierce.
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Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Thompson s segue from comedy to being an Actor began with Tutti Frutti , the 1987 BBC series that st

BAFTA: Emma Thompson On "Hierarchical" Hollywood, Oscars & 'Saving Mr. Banks'
Warner Bros Alliance With Black List Leads To Script Deal … active directory 2013 Viewfinder active directory List: ‘Fool’s Day,’ … DGA Sets January 7 Deadline For New Contract Vote The Quiet Before The Storm: Warner Bros TV Readies Offers … Sony Pictures Home Entertainment Boss David Bishop Lionsgate TV Developing Series About The Creation Of Ex-Navy SEAL Joel Lambert active directory Challenges Elite Tracking Teams … Jean-Francois Richet Tapped To Direct Top 10 Black List … RATINGS RAT RACE: ‘The Voice’ Finale active directory Down From … Hulu Says Revenues Hit $1B In 2013, +43.9% Sundance Channel Developing NRA Drama ‘Cold Dead … Touchdown!: WME & Silver Lake Acquire IMG Hot Trailer: ‘Dawn Of The Planet Of The Apes’ Rose Kuo Out As Film Society Of Lincoln Center Executive … National Film Registry List: ‘Pulp Fiction’, … Frank Darabont & CAA Suing AMC Over ‘The Walking … New Academy Logo: What Do You Think? Great Gatsby! Oscar Saboteur Targets Lana Del Rey Song … active directory ‘The Bible’ Sequel ‘A.D.’ Gets … Ridley Scott’s Scott Free Teams With Story Mining … Warner active directory Bros Sets ‘Gilligan’s Island’ As …
Following in the recent footsteps of her Saving Mr Banks co-star Tom Hanks , Emma Thompson sat down in London on Sunday afternoon active directory for a trip down memory lane. At a BAFTA Life in Pictures event at the British Academy s headquarters, Thompson spoke of the important role that comedy played in her early career, and touched on her collaborations with the likes of Merchant Ivory , Richard Curtis and Ang Lee . The Oscar-winning actress and screenwriter also peppered in some stark feelings about Hollywood.
Thompson has steadily worked across borders since the 90s and while she feels there s no real difference between great actors in the States and Britain active directory Dustin Hoffman is as exquisite as Anthony Hopkins – the star system in Hollywood is not a good system. Thompson called it hierarchical” active directory and said it was “just revolting for people who are actors to become grand and unattractive to watch. She recalled that while working on Last Chance Harvey , Hoffman had been stuck in traffic one day and, so concerned with being late to set, ran there in his socks once he’d arrived at the location. “Those are the people you want to work with. You find some young actors who really can’t be bothered and you think well, let someone else do it,” she said to the largely British crowd. Thompson noted that some of the most intelligent people she knows live in Hollywood, but lamented that the town always finds a way to make you feel bad. At parties, there s always some bit that s penned active directory off that you re not allowed into, she mused, adding that it s the better than/less than judgment you re making upon yourself and others active directory that Hollywood is particularly good at and that s the one thing I really hate.
On the brighter side, Thompson talked about her experiences with the Cambridge Footlights, the theater troupe that was a proving ground for herself and contemporaries Hugh Laurie and Stephen Fry . Although she calls comedy the noblest of the arts, after trying stand-up, Thompson realized she d be dead of a heart attack before the age of 30 if she d continued down that path. There is nothing harder. She did offer up a bit of her former shtick when explaining the kind of material she used to work with: Herpes, which was big at the time… It seems to have gone away now. Then, you had it forever and now no one has it. Herpes, Where Is It? that s going to be the name of my autobiography.
Thompson s segue from comedy to being an Actor began with Tutti Frutti , the 1987 BBC series that starred Robbie Coltrane , and Fortunes Of War , the BBC drama mini she made with former husband Kenneth Branagh . Thompson won a Best Actress BAFTA TV Award for both in 1988. She then returned to TV in comedy Thompson which was poorly received. active directory They made it too big, it should have been on at 11 where people could discover it for themselves, she said. All these years later, comedy is still a struggle. “People still think that women are not allowed to be funny, but if you are, you ve got to be somehow grotesque.
Thompson first worked with Richard Curtis on 1989 s The Tall Guy and later on 2003 s Love Actually . That film has been much talked about lately given it s celebrating its 10th anniversary, and its impact has not diminished. When BAFTA showed the now-iconic clip from the film of Thompson s character reacting active directory to a sad truth as Joni Mitchell sings ‘Both Sides Now’, the assembled BAFTA members were visibly moved (it still gets me, too). Curtis receives criticism for being sentimental, active directory it was suggested, and Thompson responded that poi

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

The Secret Lives of the Vatican s Gay Cardinals, Monks, and Other Clergy Members

Is Marissa Mayer Helping Yahoo or Hurting the Struggling Tech Giant? sunat
The Secret Lives of the Vatican s Gay Cardinals, Monks, and Other Clergy Members
Santa Claus, or whichever mythical holiday gift-giver in whom you believe, has granted the Internet an early Yuletide present today a Bill Murray and Emma Stone YouTube video. In it, the charming duo adorably surprise thousands of military members at the Joint Base Pearl Harbor-Hickam in Hawaii during the annual Tower Lighting sunat celebration. In addition to the pair showcasing their chemistry and Murray pronouncing sunat Hawaii like a native, the duo thank the troops for being so supportive while they film on base. They are in Hawaii shooting an untitled Cameron Crowe project, which stars Bradley Cooper as a military contractor sunat who falls for an air force pilot (Stone) after he s assigned to oversee the launch of a weapons satellite from Hawaii. (It is uncertain what Murray s role is.) The film also stars Rachel McAdams, Alec Baldwin, Danny McBride, John Krasinski, and Jay Baruchel.
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Monday, December 16, 2013

For those just joining us, it follows a social ali baba media savvy girl who is pessimistic about lo

Now Amanda Seyfried, Not Emma Stone, Thinks 'He's F**king Pefect' | FirstShowing.net
Back in 2011, we reported that Emma Stone was in talks to lead He's F**king Perfect at Fox, a promising romantic comedy from Funny or Die sketch director Jake Szymanski. However, it's been two years since we heard anything about the project, so we were wondering where it went. Well, now we have an update from THR reporting Amanda Seyfried is stepping up to take the lead role in the film now set up at Universal and produced by Will Ferrell and Adam McKay through their Gary Sanchez Productions banner, with a script that hails from Lauryn Kahn, the former assistant to the director of Anchorman and Step Brothers .
For those just joining us, it follows a social ali baba media savvy girl who is pessimistic about love and vets her friends dates to find flaws. ali baba When that process leads her to uncover the perfect guy, she decides to use her research skills to turn herself into his match. With Szymanski on board to direct, we have high hopes. The director has been at the helm of over two dozen videos for Funny or Die including Arbor Daze with Tim Allen, High Five Hollywood and Presidential Reunion with Dana Carvey as George H. W. Bush, Will Ferrell as George W. Bush, Jim Carrey as Ronald Reagan, Darrell Hammond as Bill Clinton and more.
In addition, he's been directing episodes of "Saturday Night Live" and "Brooklyn Nine-Nine." While we're wondering who will round out the supporting cast, we're most excited to have Seyfried returning to quality comedy for the first time since Mean Girls in 2004. She's mostly be taking on serious fare like Chloe, Lovelace and In Time , not to mention an impressive turn in Les Miserables . Considering all the talent coming together in front of and behind the camera, this could turn out to be one of the few truly stellar romantic comedies, much like Forgetting Sarah Marshall . Thoughts?
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Just Jared Jr. Anna Kendrick: TNT

Emma Watson & Douglas Booth: Lady Gaga Concertgoers! | Bar Refaeli, Douglas acca Booth, Eddie Redmayne, Emma Watson, Jonathan Rhys Meyers : Just Jared
Emma Watson acca poses for a photo with her Noah co-star Douglas Booth at an intimate Lady Gaga concert presented acca by Belvedere Vodka at the private members club Annabel’s acca on Friday evening (December 6) in London, England.
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Jason Merritt/Getty Jenna Dewan Tatum does a Twitter Q&A to promote new show Witches of East End - US Weekly acca Guiding Light 's Crystal Hunt has been arrested for bar room fight- TMZ Billy Jack actor Tom Laughlin has passed away at age 82- The Hollywood Reporter Watch Tiffany Houghton 's new music video Phone Call"- Just Jared Jr Who is the winner of this season's Survivor ?- Entertainment Weekly Teen Mom 2 's Jenelle Evans has been arrested again for a fight with her boyfriend- Huffington Post Read a recap for the season finale of Sons Of Anarchy - Lainey Gossip Check out Isabela Soncini rocking a sexy bikini- Hollywood Tuna
Emma has some angelic acca face, really beautiful.
Jonathan looks like he’s about to cry as usual but I noticed he’s been going to some parties lately so I guess he’s feeling better…
But acca why Lady Gaga invited Bar Refaeli? Like they probably hate each other. WTF? Or is it Bar who used her magical forces to be in places she shouldn’t be? I bet Gaga had a great time seeing Bar listening to her songs hehehe
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Sunday, December 15, 2013

American Hustle

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Home >> Film Flickers , YouTube , Emma Stone , Holidaze >> Emma Stone & Bill Murray Have A Santa Surprise bikhir For A Hawaiian Military Base! Watch Video HERE!
The co-stars thanked the troops for being such fantastic hosts to them and everyone bikhir involved with the movie. The project bikhir also stars Emma s love interest, Bradley Cooper , as well as Rachel McAdams , Alec Baldwin , Danny McBride , John Krasinski and Jay Baruchel bikhir .
It was such a surprise to see them! I knew Emma was going to show up (one of my co-workers was meeting her at the event), but when they announced Bill Murray, the entire crowd went nuts! Thank you Emma and Bill for making our Tower Lighting Festival memorable!
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Saturday, December 14, 2013

Having won three British Academy of Film and Television Arts Awards herself, Thompson is no stranger

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Jamie Simonds/BAFTA The double-Oscar winning actress, writer and producer -- and star of the upcoming "Saving Mr. Banks" -- turns up for one of the liveliest, funniest British Academy's Life in Pictures interviews to date.
LONDON -- Double Oscar-winning actress and screenwriter he Emma Thompson regaled a packed he British Academy of Film and Television Arts HQ in the British capital Sunday with Oscar tales, stories about being pissed at John Travolta and her take on why being a woman of a certain he age means meaty roles are hard to come by.
Having won three British Academy of Film and Television Arts Awards herself, Thompson is no stranger to the corridors of British Academy power. Over the course of an hour and a half, Thompson he breezily and humorously discussed her 30-year screen he career he onstage Sunday.
Stopping to chastise the enthusiastic audience in the front row at the midway point for not letting her know her bra strap was visible in her chic black dress, Thompson said she was doing her hardest to entertain in spite of the fashion social faux pas.
Thompson, who won her first Oscar just after a Golden Globe in 1993 for her turn in Howards End , described that win as a "totally surreal" he experience. he She said that back in the early 1990s, the Academy Awards were a "very he faraway thing" and that the Oscar statue was an icon "that belonged to Cary Grant and Katharine Hepburn ," not her.
Thompson said she took her mom with her to the ceremony and had gotten dressed up in "posh frocks" at around 11 a.m., ahead of the ceremony. She said she remembered her mother's dress had a particularly long train, which caused her to choke "like a bulldog" when someone trod on it. But Thompson said all was not lost because nearly everyone that stood on the gown's train was famous, "which meant we stopped and chatted he to a lot of very talented people" on the red carpet.
It was when she went backstage after her winner's speech at the ceremony -- her mother had turned to her just before the winner's envelope was opened to tell her she had a snowball's chance in hell of winning -- that the magnitude and importance of the Oscar statue hit home.
"I handed [the Oscar] to a security guard while I hiked up my tights -- there were no Spanx in those days -- and he looked at me like no one has ever looked he at me. It was like I'd handed him the Ark of the Covenant or something," she said, laughing.
Thompson wrapped the trophy in some socks and put it in her carry-on luggage to take through LAX. Everyone in security he wanted to hold "what must have looked like a nuclear warhead" on the scanners.
"Even the captain on the flight home came down to see me and asked me if he could see it and hold it," she said. "I he said I would prefer it if he went back to the cockpit and keep his eyes on the road."
Her next screen role was in James Ivory 's The Remains of the Day , a movie that reunited he her with Anthony Hopkins onscreen. Thompson's mother sent Hopkins a note asking that he not "eat her," considering he that he had just starred as Hannibal Lecter in The Silence of the Lambs prior to shooting Howards End .
In one of the interview's most revealing segments, Thompson grew visibly moved talking about her grandmother, who had spent her entire life in servitude from age 14 and had been raped and birthed a child by one of her masters. he But asked if this knowledge had informed her portrayal of Miss Kenton opposite Hopkins' socially and sexually repressed character in Remains , Thompson said she simply tried to play the scene in front of her and bring the character and words to the screen.
In 1996, Thompson won her second Oscar, he this time for writing, picking up the best adapted screenplay statuette for Sense and Sensibility , the Ang Lee -directed movie in which she also starred. She won her second Golden Globe for the same work and picked up her third BAFTA for best actress for her turn in her own script.
"She told me, adapt the whole book and then go from there," Thompson said, adding that her first script came in at around 500 pages before smiling to the audience and saying: "They're he meant to be 90, you know."
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