Thursday, March 13, 2014

Tags: access THIS Recording razmeschena been in Informatics Smotryte doo series category as well: F

Reports in MS Access doo series | abstracts are free StudyPort.Net
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Reports in Access are used to represent information in summary form, the established user. Reports and forms can be very similar, but they have different purposes. The task of the user - to determine which is more suitable for a specific case.
Therefore, it is advisable to go for the following reasons: the forms are designed for interactive use, while reports - for playback or printing individual and pi dsumkovyh values for groups of records, data entry and editing is performed only in the forms. Reports recordings doo series can be played in groups doo series or print, but the form does not allow to do so.
Kolonochnыe otchet Y (Columnar reports). These reports are reproduced in all the fields in one column and aligned to the left. Reports are very similar and form, but they are only used for playback or printing data, and not for the writing and editing.
Postal labels (Mailing labels). These reports are used to print mailing labels (ie mail addresses doo series of those who addressed mail). In Access Master otcheta function is designed specifically to create mailing labels in most diversely ishyh formats.
Before the report by using markup masters or by hand (in design window otcheta) doo series define the layout of the report. Make it better on paper (a clear and informative) if the report is designed for multiple users.
To report must identify the source of data. The source reports in Access you can use one or more tables or queries. To sample and apply them in a specific order, use queries.
After finalizing the report can be viewed on the screen by executing the File option and its Predvarytelnыy Preview (File? Print Preview), or print it by running file and its Print option (File? Print).
In the list, distribution premises in the dialog box to the right, click on the item master otchetov (Report Wizard). The list, posted at the bottom of the dialog box, select the table (or query), doo series the data from which will be used in the report. Click on the OK button to open the first dialog box (Figure 3.22) otchetov Master (R e port Wizard).
In this dialog box, use the list Tablytsы / Zaprosы (Tables / Queries) to select a table or query as the data source for the report, and lists of available fields is HN (Available Fields) and Selected field (Selected doo series Fields) to add to the report required fields.
After selecting the data sources listed Tablytsы / Zaprosы (Tables / Queries) in all fields of the table or query appear in the list box Dostupnыe (Available doo series Fields). Select the field you want, and then click on the right arrow button to add it to the list Vыbrann s' field (Selected Fields). Notice the button with two arrows directed to the right: it is designed to immediately add all the fields in the list box Dostupnыe doo series (Available Fields) to the list of Selected field (Selected Fields). If someone made a mistake and want to delete a field from the Selected fields list (Selected Fields), first click on this box in the Selected fields list (Selected Fields), and then - on the left arrow button to remove the field from the list.
If the report uses data from more than one table and all the required fields are added to the first table, select the second table from the list Tablytsы / Zaprosы (Tables / Queries) and add the fields you want from the table. Then click on the Next button doo series (Next), to show the following dialog box Creating otchetov (Figure 3.23).
Tags: access THIS Recording razmeschena been in Informatics Smotryte doo series category as well: Form in MS Access In previous doo series sections described how to create, view and edit table data. Forms provide additional opportunities to work with data. If porivnyuv

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