Monday, May 4, 2015

In the case I might have scoffed at Tester-s and even I may have offended them, but their work is j

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"QA vs Tester? Write an article you have written essays in school? "- This job of ours me difficult - I wonder how to write" essay "so that it does not sound like a lecture lecturer - electrician TU. Nothing that I studied nuclear engineering saps at University, we know them those of TU.
Is the question, "What exactly" right "one QA" ?. Part of the duties of a QA suggests another job title itself - ensuring the highest quality. Roughly QA-s are people who know everything about everything, more than anyone - that will tell developers, and with this information they would like to live in delusion. The truth is a bit more complicated.
QA se includes the outset of the project The beginning vigilant and closely saps monitor the work of programmers. They can say they're sitting on their heads and prevent them - do not believe them. These are lower innuendo. Under close and strict monitoring of performance mean that we are given the opportunity to review their "works" (without irony) and our task is to try to break these "works", which turns out not so easy task, we bp . "Our programmers saps are much better programmers saps than you!".
We start with the specifications. Here we are in the QA-team read, record, thinking, judging information and imagine how it would look the product. Then we get the question "trigger" and consider whether the product meets the requirements set in the specifications.
This part of the cycle is very important, because we do not want to give our customers a product that can be irritating bug. While QA-s involved in all previous moments of the cycle, Tester-seen to do so. He took part only here. Tester-ticking seen to its forward - backward, report-ca "bugs", "the crash" is fun. The important thing is that it only participate in this process - anywhere else.
In the case I might have scoffed at Tester-s and even I may have offended them, but their work is just as valuable and important as a QA. While QA can do practically everything described above + work of the Tester-a, then the latter has its bonuses. saps One of the key is that you concentrate all your attention on testing the product, and maybe that's why the best Tester-and not redundant in companies.
Well, how then comes all the confusion that QA = Tester. No specific date on which - you see - it's happened. My personal opinion is that most people would agree that taking part in the construction of the product, care quality and reducing the risk of error sounds much more respectable than to say that tick and checking the functionality of some product.
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