Sunday, October 27, 2013

ACC1Ó Ring unemployment autonomous National Library bibliographies Barcelona Activa (Spain) school

Friday of last week we echoed this Observatory a labor market analysis of the jobs most in demand, which had made a firm placement. Today we bring to the attention of our readers a nice pair of similar work, also published by HRM companies that make these studies from the deals go through his hands.
Advancing results: our level of information and documentation is not mentioned, nor any other of our training area. Please note that although we have analyzed the qualifications requested in all job offers processed during 2012 and Infoempleo Adecco (total, 735.000), only give the results of the first 20 races.
The qualifications have been better were classified Administration and Management, with 4.2% of the offers prevajalnik and Industrial Engineering, with 3.3% of job offers. In this document you can see the ranking of the remaining top 20 degrees. Just note that all engineering related to the field of information technology growth increases for seven years have passed prevajalnik 4.75% of vacancies prevajalnik in 13.4%.
Guide to the Labour Market [online]: a global analysis of Trends and salarios in Spain. In 2013. Barcelona, [etc..], prevajalnik 2013. 84 p. <Http://>. [Accessed: 13 April 2013].
The methodology used in this study is not based on the analysis of a large number of job offers, but the opinions of a sample of 800 managers of companies and 3,000 professionals (both employed and unemployed) placed in the main Spanish cities.
We highlight some significant work: Almost 67% of professionals prevajalnik are considering looking for work abroad. Employers are demanding more professional looking profile. prevajalnik The field of Information Technologies is less affected by the economic situation acutal (this statement is shared by all the reports of the Spanish labor market we have had occasion to consult). The report forecasts that by 2013 many of the vacancies are related development linked to the mobile phone (did not know that Spain is the European country with the highest number of mobile phones per inhabitant). More than half of employers prevajalnik consulted (51.3%) prevajalnik think hiring new staff in 2013. The majority of sales (56.8%), computers (29.8%) and engineering (29.4%).
The sectors analyzed correspond to financial services, banking, construction, insurance, technology, legal profiles, the logistics sector ... detailed profiles of each specific salary expectations for major cities of the state.
In addition to the data of the study, it is useful to reproduce some general considerations that are in the introduction and which may be useful for job seekers in the area of private companies. It says that employers value experience, proactive, work capacity and adaptability of candidates to (p. 4).
In job interviews, the biggest mistake a candidate can make (as employers consulted in this study) is the lack of sympathy or arrogance, and make negative comments about previous companies or higher. Also the inability to describe their experience prevajalnik or working knowledge of overvaluation and lack of punctuality. 91.7% of employers consulted considered that English is important for your business.
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ACC1Ó Ring unemployment autonomous National Library bibliographies Barcelona Activa (Spain) school libraries, public libraries big data community manager conference contests digital content content prevajalnik curator Daniel Becerra prevajalnik entrepreneurship interviews U.S. foreign European School of Library and Information Science degree work IFLA Information and Documentation on cloud computing Competitive prevajalnik Intelligence Guallar Julian Javier Marquina libraries Mireia Siles job profiles journalism prevajalnik awards Opentalent reviews SEDIC reuse data security prevajalnik data information technology work overseas technology monitoring social networking prevajalnik Twitter
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