Thursday, October 3, 2013

Categories Agile (38) emacs (1) Planet (120) Programing (79) Groovy (1) Java (18) Hadoop (3) maven

Ltd. Mole's start-up companies that have released their products "video sale shopping mall XCREAM" and "Macy". Minute unit price is cheap, their products Pay "development period was too long it important that it is not too much to make textbooks entrepreneur prepare oneself for companies required was successful advertising and marketing is further increased, the long drawn-out battle advantage and failure of scale Nobody did not make until now why change in thinking and that was cooked earlier conflict to be put more into their sales and marketing could not be in "the reflection development period has crowded the = market? Nobody Is not because do not need?
Mr. Yamamoto was please do case studies of planning and development "(TV conference system of cloud-based) Ricoh UCS" their products. The sales target other than a big company but we were start-up, it recommended => yohei's diary do millionaire when you create a team for the first time anything had not decided - in story project principles did millionaire in a team building "lean book called lean startup did not come out at that time that it was written 's development ". Demo Products MVP was first built it was lean startup this to think later: user lean very different customers network environment a variety autonomy of MVP which I made with empty boxes of cartoon cardboard story-and the assumption autonomy can focus on nature
Suddenly, autonomy question and answer time, which started from the question "great project principle, do not you publish?" And to Mr. Yamamoto from Arai. Also question, the answer to it was also very good. (Hereinafter the Y A K questioner Q, angle, Mr. Arai, Mr. Yamamoto.) Q: K by what kind of judgment at the time which, do you was what Pivot: I am not a current autonomy start-up but, Pivot about. It does not go well from the beginning necessarily in order to the business. Important that you continue to try to change small Pivot heck, so does not need to be and to radically transform. A: In XCREAM, autonomy you have to refuse the adult initially, autonomy Y on track then you have the OK from the middle: there was a lot of small Pivot, such as experiment with different locations attack or system of prices, the first It has yet to significantly change the vision. (To Arai) A what had happened to determine the timing and made the second one product 2:: Q When you made a decision to cease to assume the contract. product that you have with the ownership wanted autonomy more. Was provided deadline in the development schedule: Q? A: I was made to not set a deadline, it was a failure and if I inflate the cost rather. autonomy Finding that a plan to forever autonomy Serve (not in time to sharpen) autonomy that, good Y: there is also a Nando crisis of whether protect the schedule promised to management level, Desuma state, not a beautiful story. When it is hardware products, it is necessary to order types, do not to decide a wide variety autonomy of far. Q there is a difficulty that software will continue to repeatable tied to a deadline autonomy of hardware: if people you have not only developed in crunching autonomy waterfall is, or will be familiar autonomy to lean startup, how to solve the gap there is no such a person as opposed to the organization of which: A do you have. Are fighting even now: Y that you may trouble you without knowing the procedure and procedures leading companies to the reverse. Method of lean startup difficult people only know how to waterfall from the beginning comes in. It was said even difficult to persuade, but also will not sell. And, thing victory gave the results ended up doing ..... in the end. I want to stand in strong position politically as much as possible. A Tell me team organization and team size of each:: Q 2 name engineers, one president, customer support number name: Y is doing in about 10 people: 25 people first engineer, there many then, I only software development about 20 people. Are tens of thousands of people level is open for other. People related to many to death. There is also a part that is hard to do, but that's only have this a sales network of direct sales benefits. autonomy I was writing product autonomy code only person autonomy who had a research and development first: The Q: Y whether there was from the first technology that allows autonomy you to create a product that I thought going to make, do you went to wear while I make was not human. Delicious What it Linux? People who have gone or become a leader in the cloud base. Was wearing it after I thought I thought HTML5 also be good, and trying to do. I started from that you will be inspired by that you can really, you can technically: A buying autonomy or the library, are also or have assets from the original later. Story of team building, Y you want to know the tips and story to share a product vision:: Q can not put the money from the stage there is no team building important (a big company then), the work suddenly with people you do not know at all that you will no longer have to go in many cases. Since starting from the same "Nice to meet you" in the company, not too much confidence. You have to close the means of information sharing (write a daily report to every day wiki, IRC). To share information in the development inside anyway. Was nice Team Geek, content: K. Do you put together a strong man lye how. I eat with rice lunch. Growing sense of team. Of that lunch, not drinking is important. A Amazon autonomy I seem to start from the press release: important Y poor is to write together a picture of the package Nari poor also (to Mr. Yamamoto) and will be on a good place in the great niche me that product, leading to there Y you want to know the background and decision: my boss, I decided to there an engineer originally good head, there is also knowledge and marketing as sophistication. "You can do anything" It was a terminal at first but, Q there was a decision of the leaders which it will focuses on "here": whether there is a timing that can be seen to be "go" to ensure autonomy from an uncertain state, if it is, the next A do you confront how the uncertain: Because extends gradually, there is no point that confident. Maybe you found this ad there is a reaction, there is timing. That we do tenaciously. Q: I feel like things (such as persona) can not be an engineer what you are doing in order to prevent displacement from the customer's to, but I did have people who are professional? Because it is the R & D originally from, were the people who are studying the sort of thing, K are also or ask design autonomy department after:: autonomy Y to determine the deadline: A What do you want to tell If you tell yourself back to the past You do not write code originally: Y is a function of the minimum first I put out into the world Te. CSS only the UI. I was the management autonomy of the development group. But, I want to tell those who such as white marketing more than writing the code, I've thought that even more business in, not making things is, not that there was good
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