Friday, March 13, 2015

Exactly where we return again. Only now we are in 1932 and dash to dive into it with the speed of a

Ludwig Bauer, Medieval, 1932 | EMPTY TITLE
The train of history runs to the new Middle Ages who already live without and that we, just because the live and imagine. All of humanity has cut ticket for this route. The 19th century has thrown in the landfill Mussolini has discovered that the 18 th century, the century of the Word, was the vlakodesteros centuries. And now, the German substitute Mussolini, metafrasi with all arrogant antidianooumenous professors, has undertaken to continue derailed course Italian. Because in the last century mankind has covered all the distance from "we" to "I" discovered that the state is a necessary evil and lit the torch of civil rights, which is now in danger of being extinguished in a dense spiritual haze. Today there is a deep desire to get rid of the burden of "I" - born with an outfit, get rid of our soul and subdues the mass. Tolerance replaced by fanaticism, the smile of mental rigidity.
Whether it Hitlerism or fascism, whether their Heimehren [2] or Camelots du roi of Action Française [3], all of them despise the mental clarity and tend to mysticism and aftoeidolopoiisi. The meaning of life is no longer the freedom of the individual but the massification of the media in race, class and nation. Thus appears that the type of person who likes to recruit, who finds pleasure in massive faith. Rejects with contempt the achievements of the Enlightenment him was never Voltaire. Through the confusion of humanity escaped herself born this generation that sees no utility in human dignity, freedom of thought and tolerance and the best is with heroic efforts mastered over the centuries displayed in the eyes of this generation indifferent or even harmful. Predominant various doctrines - "must" metafrasi end, "must" t else - until finally we reach the doctrine that we should not allow the thought. Everything is already set, and whoever raises a refusal, a question or an opposite metafrasi view is partisan metafrasi and sectarian. This narrow-mindedness and amvlyneia typical medieval features and comparatively - unlike the misconception of the Enlightenment on it - the Middle Ages, despite its austerity, despite stubbornly exclusive character, could be declared as a lost paradise. And the same applies to the economy: give up now the world economy metafrasi by breaking the bonds between people and revives the outdated guilds, longing increasingly coercion and subjugation. We avoid responsibility, metafrasi we want to rid ourselves of this by adopting the doctrine of salvation that directs and arranges everything. It will save us whether the Third Reich? But this, my dear, there was already a very long time and was one of the darkest periods of history. Personal initiative is neutralized, thinking metafrasi sinful, sacrilegious every respect. Humanity is a ghetto stupidity, hatred and superstition. Providential opportunity and consolation of the oppressed was the ability to oppress and those others. Sharing: others intended to whipping and others whipped. Small and narrow world, fearful distant.
Exactly where we return again. Only now we are in 1932 and dash to dive into it with the speed of a racing car. Feature of this dive is that the camera metafrasi works inevitably favor regression. Because we are unable to dominate over her, we have already won. So seek protection metafrasi in force concentrations and invent for us a new romance. The class or race is declared the new aristocracy. Do not laugh people with vain Frenchmen boast complacently on red ribbons on their panels? With these words they attach themselves to the entire people of the superiority of the Nordic aristocracy? How many must be sacrificed for these trinkets: freedom, kindness, peace, human dignity - all those for which they had struggled and suffered the best among us. and instead vindicated, even on duty, the arrogance of the masses. The old has been unable to tame the wild machine. metafrasi The new rule, which in fact is even more old, is equally unable metafrasi to do: but can we compensate leading us into a darkness where the suffering is infinitely more widespread and therefore not visible anymore.
The person is counted only as part of the total. Made body of a controlled group, and Soviet, fascists, Nazis and "Knights of the King" have the audacity to determine on behalf of the meaning of existence. The person does not have the same court

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