Illegalities in how the decision was made to sell (There was a legal quorum), illegal alwadifa in that defined the process of acquisition, illegality that has not been terminated Never liquidation as it was registered and Gov. during absorption, and more!
Values should be transferred: Should be automatically transferred liabilities and assets of the Tues of the East in the National, but excluded the transfer of the relevant corporate capital, portions of passive capital Franc stabilized because there were a liability to third parties ( under a statute establishing alwadifa Tues East).
Then again illegally National, do not release information to the liquidators. They insisted to take the data delayed to give the National alwadifa and also asked to pay because alwadifa they had not yet been paid. Finally, the national 1935 the sacked again illegally without terminating alwadifa the liquidation!
Where in the world can a purchaser, ie the potential buyer, have the right to dismiss the liquidators of the company go buy? Nowhere! This is to circumvent any procedural principle, corporate
Thus, the bank moved to National, but never closed. alwadifa It remained to operate as a second parallel system that only "few" and "elect" their own inner circles, had access and knowledge!
In various ways, the bank illegally funded with money that does not belong to them, the most banks in Europe and beyond .. Alongside funded projects under known companies in Greece and abroad. At the same time the share was listed on the Athens alwadifa Stock Exchange until recently again gotten gains to their own!
This blog Ellanios SCHOOL alwadifa - aims to inform Greek citizens about the offer of patriot Artemis Bulk of Patras. The home our Greece is in a state POSSESSION. The whole scene is staged. The aim is to Greece alwadifa and Greeks. The Greece go bankrupt and the Greeks having no where to stand to start emptying the corner which is called Hellas. It is not accidental that happens. Everything was going as they had planned. alwadifa In October of 2012 like the Greece go bankrupt with all that this entails. They did but the Artemis Bulk when deposited in September of the same year $ 600 billion USA in the name of the GREEK REPUBLIC, for all of us is. The political leadership refuses alwadifa to receive the material and has since begun a public information match. Through this blog we want to contribute to this fight for accepting $ 600 billion and the liberation of our country. Good information. The freedom near. GROUPS OF INFORMATION
Swearing GREEK
Archive February alwadifa 2015 January 2015 December 2014 November 2014 October 2014 September 2014 August 2014 July 2014 June 2014 May 2014 April 2014 March 2014 February 2014 January 2014
Ellanios SCHOOL FOLLOW .... THE BLOG Ellanios SCHOOL 02/01/2015 INTERVIEW Artemis Bulk Preveza - SORRASFM 04/01/2015 11/01/2015 CALL OF JOY Nob TO ALL SYNELLINIDES alwadifa !!! 01.11.2015 MEETING OF GREEK AND swearing in Preveza - 04 January 2899 * 2015 09/01/2015 THE extrajudicial Artemis Bulk (11/25/2014) TO E. PRESS BE WAIVED alwadifa BY TEMPORARY PRESIDENT OF EI END 09/01 / 2015 land Pays Amy and sky asteroentos 08.01.2015 INTERVIEW OF BASIL THEODOROPOULOU Mrs. MORAITI - CHANNEL OPTIONS TV- Serres 01/08/2015 08/01/2015 CALL TO UNITY ELLINOPSYCHA BROTHERS 08/01/2015 GLOBAL alwadifa FUNDS - Trusts PEOPLE 01/08/2015 JOHN KAPODISTRIAS - The ONLY Hellen GOVERNOR OF RECOMMENDATION alwadifa FROM GREECE GREEK STATE 08/01/2015
Spearheaded the synellina Artemis and Bulk Volume organizations E.SY local organizations (GREEK ASSEMBLY) Combine coordinates all Greeks in one body and become the medium anallamvanei responsibility to inform and awaken alwadifa all Greeks, to draw the Opposite tyrannical regime ravaged our lives and our wealth.
We want ours and ours, we want Greece behind us and we do not negotiate anything. We owe a sacred tribute to our ancestors but also as a sacred obligation to our descendants.
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