Wednesday, May 13, 2015

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Book QA interview | Blog of a QA specialist
If like me you have a lot of questions about how does an interview for QA and wonder what they were and why employers hire candidates beginners, it must read the book "Mission my IT career"
Mission book my IT career is a must-read for anyone who wants to apply for an IT position, especially if you like me and have a lot of experience. The book and website to book very good source of information. In my book answered many of the questions that I had. But - well, there is an entire chapter devoted specifically to the progress of this QA for an interview and what questions can I ask intervshtto, but - no useful information was interesting for what look like qualities employers in a novice candidate QA position. The book was written by Bulgarian authors and specifically bpm for IT industry in Bulgaria.
It is sad that in Bulgaria there are no more books to help you start your career, but I hope soon to have a lot more material, especially for all who want to turn to the profession test spetsialisit.
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