Sunday, November 16, 2014

Folklorists and ethnographers, encountering funeral songs to other European nations and having a sp

Romanian Book of the Dead: Death representation of human form | Magazine Moment - Romanian benchmarking cultural actuality Store
Romanians are the only European people who preserved during field research for developing Romanian Ethnographic Atlas (1972 - 1983) elements of death ciphered philosophy funeral songs. Sung texts, a guide with everything done late after overcoming entry agony and death, make up a Book of the Dead in which advice is transmitted through singing deceased before burial, unlike Egyptian book written on papyrus and put under the ribbons mummy to be read after the funeral, and the Tibetan book, read a dead lama (priest).
Folklorists and ethnographers, encountering funeral songs to other European nations and having a species similar to the Romanian folklore to report reality, they have framed benchmarking wrong, to the great Romanian ethnomusicologist Constantin Brăiloiu in category lamentation. Musical typology authors Dawn Song and Brad noted that this type of repertoire funeral has not been given to the European peoples, and that only partially sing in Hispanic folklore Mediterranean, the Atlantic coast, in the case of a deceased child, "bone benchmarking Aurora '( benchmarking Kahane Mariana Georgescu-Stănculescu Lucilia, Dawn Song and Brad. Typology music, Music Publishing, Bucharest, 1988, p. 7). Verses from the Book of the Dead Romanian, grouped by thematic benchmarking reasons, are called generic Dawn Songs of the Tree, Great song, party songs, songs of wake, mourning verse. In addition, there is a perfect correlation between sung and communicated messages through different meta deceased: customs, ritual acts, magical practices etc.
Initiation dead soul is achieved through monologues and dialogues sung by a female choir, ancient priestesses who survived benchmarking until our days, and the others at times and places significant funeral ceremony. On the last day, on the way cemetery takes place a spectacular lesson recap the show the deceased which was sung: where do odihnele (from fountains to drink at the crossroads for choosing good way), where and how to be paid Customs (bridges, fountains) etc.
In Romanian, the notion of death has two distinct meanings: biological phenomenon of cessation of vital functions and personalizing who fateful souls. Like the mythical representation, death is the Romanian book of the dead human form, the prototype of the cultural Indo-European, or chip Kite, the prototype of the Neolithic. As shown in funerary texts and popular sayings (death scythe, dead clutches i) they have specific tools: one uses sickle, scythe, death glass of water, another claws, wing and beak. In this context we will make only a few references to the death with human face which is said that in times when the world was more faithful closer to the earth and sky, walking on the road, God accompanied by St. Peter. After înrăirea people God sends just the saints on earth, where you're saying that by eating Dummnezeu saints, and death comes after previously announcing their arrival through different messengers deadly birds, animals, plants, dreams and other signs.
Representation death evolved from the goddess benchmarking of regeneration, healing sickness and brings rest to the terrible goddess of death, conception cultivated Indo-European mythologies, including Christianity. Male Indo-European gods, having usurped the Neolithic Mother Goddess were held responsible it and presented it in the darkest colors. The image of death that would show as a babe hade dying and ugly, bony body consists only of torn, hollow-eyed, having in hand a scythe or a glass of drink bitter water of death, which invites man drink, is different than that modeled in clay and carved bone Neolithic man, named by archaeologists Lady in White.
The Romanian Book of the Dead, Death-faced man wearing different names: Death: Death Cry window: / - Get me out, / ana, up-out! / - I go out, I can not go out / That I can not separate / From love my hubby ... (birghis, Jud. Sibiu); Old woman fairy: - Arise, ..., school. / Get the Look / Up at sunrise, / See who appeared so: / A tree flowery / leafy petty, / With shadows round; / But in his shade / Who is shadow? / A Fairy Old woman / With condeiu in hand, / With paper though in another ... (Cireşu,. County); Santa Muerte and others. The main task is the removal of dead anthropomorphic soul in the human body. From case to case, it has other functions: carrying psychopomp dead animal (horse, deer) in the next world, writes name in the list of dead and others.

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