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Home | Archive | 2014 | July | Number 731 | Identity Cards (mutations autobiograficului Romanian pr

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Home | Archive | 2014 | July | Number 731 | Identity Cards (mutations autobiograficului Romanian prose after 1989)
Identity card (autobiograficului mutations in Romanian prose after 1989) Excerpts from forthcoming volume supply chain management on Romanian Book Publishing Author: Florina scorched | Category: Preview | 0 comments
Entered in the last decade and Romanian critical vocabulary, the term autofiction - seductive, supply chain management inaccurate and outrageously comprehensive - has come to designate any deviation autobiography the author, the proposal still reluctant to tell an "I" bluntly, in the era of democratic individualism , chose to handle when he wants to move bag and baggage (referential, to the extent that reference longer a certainty) in his fiction. Building on a history of the concept, defined supply chain management and commented to supersaturation supply chain management essay aims radiography phenomenon in Romanian space with a zoom on some of the key texts generation 2000. Floating in a hors canon, lacking in largely on the "lists" with a capital value of these texts autobiographical self reapplied to the rights which the communist experience and prejudices of various "isms" have dissolved theoretical. But to understand the specific Romanian autoficţiunii - whether it is validated canonical landmarks such as Exuvii or Orbitor or about texts fragile supply chain management and polemical autoficţionarilor Schiop Adrian Ionut Chiva, Golea Claudia Cecilia Stefanescu, Alexandru Vakulovski Dragos Bucurenci others - Recovery took root core autobiographical writing native land, from the writings of teacher representatives from Targoviste to Radu Cosaşu. supply chain management The result was a volatile and grinded ID card, and ego that disguises the consumption was ecstatic, in many instances, impossible to classify or clarified.
Any choice defines us. Autoficţiunea was not an easy choice: you fools, supply chain management in the first moments, with its kitschy splendor (bling bling, I'm about to say), then you're supply chain management bound together work mined constant supply chain management frustrations missed the ending (rhetoric "is what real stake study? "). Courage supply chain management to take the practical test, the texts; there begins hell classifications of patterns (never enough), supply chain management the contradictory observations, the ideological differences between the cultural market and other literary translated into even more puzzling observations. When you stand in a fragile theoretical language, the analysis itself approximates, struggles text and compels him to enter, procustian, supply chain management in a bed that may not want to be. When you leave the theory, literature, her formulations sometimes happy, sometimes unhappy, try to save yourself (when you write about other than the linguistic-pragmatic autofiction, you're already one foot immersed in literature). When theory leaves you, you wake up in full rhetorical dissimulation, lying for "saving species" (like say Simona Popescu), because otherwise you can not go on. The stakes of this book, a thesis vague newly composed after nearly four years of complete alienation of the subject (self-imposed alienation), is not to define supply chain management the textual practices which have not yet permanently exhausted glory (whatever it says gossips) Therefore to find out if any autobiography, in its current form has any meaning today for a renewed public, almost completely alien to the experience of communism. supply chain management The fact that the Romanian public personal fictions continues to consume all possible - from the autobiographies of personalities and autofiction to personal blogs and reality-show buzzer - is a sufficient argument for a need motivated by factors other than those aesthetic norms and rules. It is known that the company sell consumer packaged seductive happiness (and not yesterday, supply chain management today), and that all she is responsible for the alienation of modern man, for acute loneliness, assisted surface through various media surrogates. In the context of a competitive market in any field, the literature also becomes an object of consumption required to meet the

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