News health cards will be binding only after completing their distribution Preliminary results in the presidential election. It was decided beforehand, the Romanians and the theater was Gasland II - subtitled in Romanian Legionaries Court of Appeal. Zionist Jewish Institute Ellie Wiesel triggered dissolution process under the false accusation of fascism autobazar eu TPT Bilderberg Group wants to privatize water. SCANDAL world. Gigi Becali has written a book Orthodoxy: Mount Athos, Orthodoxy homeland health cards were launched Ponta frenzy! New trove: the chip will only CNP and who wants information about the health Truth about Ebola, "Monsanto", "Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation" and "Soros' media in Transnistria: A war could begin on August 26 Prisoners from Periprava, tortured for eating live snakes or raw corn
The media in Transnistria: A war could begin on August 26
Parents Saints wore not place calls (negotiations) with heretics, not watching courteous and politeness; they just tell the truth. Ecumenical Orthodox Church has opened a dialogue with "Churches heretics. There declared himself an organic member of a company that aimed to unite her Eunomians, anomeii Aryans, Apollinarians or Sabellians. On the contrary, the first canon of the Second Ecumenical Council called for a union not, in any organization, autobazar eu with heretics, but anathematize.
There is, therefore, dialogue with heretics who continue to remain in deception. Holy Fathers autobazar eu have not talked peer heretics. Not engage in dialogue, in terms of equality, as will today unionists. They rejected their claims, and when those remained steadfast in their deception, God-bearing Fathers interrupting the communion with them, and anathematize him defrocked. He departed from the Holy Body of the Church as one that belonged to "the synagogue of Satan."
Ecumenism is subjected to harsh criticism by many Greek Orthodox Archimandrite Haralambos before all Vasilopoulos (1982) - President "Hellenic Orthodox Union" and its official autobazar eu journal, "Orthodoxos ThyPase" often quoted by us before. Let's stop the interesting bit on its books, "Ecumenism without mask", published in Athens in the second edition in 1972. In just preface of the book, the question "What is today's ecumenism," the author says: "What constitutes a movement and proposes western union heretical confessions first with Orthodoxy, and then, at the next stage, of all religions in a monstrous pan-religion. Finally, the last stage of obscure or plan puts ecumenism aims to replace the service of the One God through the ministry of Satan! "The first chapter is shown the history of ecumenism antichrist (Catholic and Protestant), conducted in secret Zionism and Freemasonry. Steps are described ecumenical movement, starting with secular youth organizations of Masons (YMCA, YWCA, boy scouts etc) and ending with ecumenical autobazar eu preparatory committees: "Life and work" and "Faith and organization", who gave birth in 1948 to World Council of Churches. In Chapters II and III are disclosed objectives and plans of Member Christian ecumenism on the dismantling and destruction autobazar eu of the Church. In Chapter IV, "Ecumenism is autodemasca" considering the work of the four general meetings of the WCC and between analyzes Assemblies II and IV is placed an interesting section, "What you do today yesterday said the Russian Church," in which is described the evolution relations with the Moscow autobazar eu Patriarchate Ecumenism - from his conviction in 1948 and entry into the WCC in 1961. In Chapter V, "The means of ecumenism". author stops especially autobazar eu on so-called "general-Christian conferences", which were convened autobazar eu in 1961 and 1963 in the island of Rhodes. President of the first meetings, which were drawn plans reforms in Orthodoxy, the Greek Metropolitan hold Philippines, Chrysostom, who the following year was elected Archbishop of Athens, named Chrysostom II (1962-1967). When in 1968, Ecumenical Patriarch autobazar eu Athenagoras convened the second conference, insisting on the participation of Greek Church, Archbishop Chrysostomos II, knowing the plans of the first ecumenical meetings, he refused, supported by the entire Greek hierarchy. Archimandrite. Haralambos vividly describes these events as an eyewitness to the crime Confessor Archbishop Chrysostomos. He stops at length on how to make preparations for the Eighth autobazar eu Ecumenical Synod, autobazar eu later called "the Great and Holy Synod", quoting what was said about the future for other contemporary militant against ecumenism - Greek Bishop Augustine of Florina " We are not against the synod, but
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