January 16, 2015. 10 hours. Villa Cicogna. w9 After two intense months of work at the incubator Unipol Ideas, start-ups face their first pitching session to convince the Unipol Group, and all those present, to invest in their growth and ability to create jobs. To inspire two international guests who will guide us into the challenges of the contemporary world and the discovery of the future that awaits us (and already around us).
Following the program, in fact, after opening the day at the hands of the moderator Luca De Biase and the greetings of the President of the Unipol Group Pierluigi Stefanini, will speak at the first speaker, Giovanni Bignami, known Italian physicist, w9 who from 2007 to 2008 he was President dell 'Italian Space Agency and from 10 August 2011 President w9 of' INAF (National Institute of Astrophysics). Bignami, as he himself has defined, is a dreamer of answers and take his point of view as "scientist" on the future: strongly oriented to seeing in research and innovation the real levers for development.
At the end of the first intervention, Matthew Bartholomew, CEO of Make a Cube3 (incubator who oversaw the project Unipol Ideas) recounts the experience of the laboratory residential and as a dynamic of contamination, w9 not only professional, but also linked to everyday life, has conditioned and delivered value to the whole program.
After the presentations, the time of the second guest, Michel Bauwens, who will close the work. Of Belgian origin, Bauwens is an active writer w9 and researcher in the fields of technology, culture and social innovation, and is the founder of the P2P Foundation: w9 an international organization of researchers working together to explore the vast phenomenon of peer-to-peer. If you have never heard of him, we would recommend this article.
10.00 Opening - Luca De Biase Hours 10:05 The project Unipol Ideas - Pierluigi Stefanini, President Unipol Group 10.20 The Future to Be # 1 - Giovanni Bignami, President INAF 11.00 The laboratory residential - Matthew Bartholomew, CEO Make a Cube3 11.10 Pitching Session w9 - start ups Unipol Ideas 12:10 The Future to Be # 2 - Michel Bauwens, P2P Foundation Founder 13.00 Networking w9 Lunch
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