The command time: WHY moves SAT? - Small newspapers
27th March 2011 - October 29, 2011 Summer (command) during night 29-30. October 2011. Clocks are moved from 03 to 02h 30th October 2011 - 24 March 2012. Winter (astronomical) time Night 24-25. March 2012. Watch the move from 02 to 03h 25 March 2012 - 27 October 2012. Summer (command) during night 27-28. October 2012 Watch the move from 03 to 02h 28 October 2012 - 30 March 2013. Winter (astronomical) time
Every last weekend in March, pushing the hour and move on to command the summer time, we are then, on the last weekend of October, returned to winter raunanje time. This issue is regulated by law in most European countries.
The whole idea of introducing ukaznog time is based on the astronomical espm circumstances that in January the sun rises around 8 am and sets around 16, while in July, when the day considerably longer, comes before 5, and sets in after 21 hours. Because people their daily activities start at the same time throughout the year, usually around 7 pm, mid-year, so "lost" almost two hours of daylight.
The idea to make up the time by moving the free hour first came up with George Vernon Hudson (1867-1946), an entomologist from New Zealand, which is 1895 in the paper before the Royal Society in Wellington proposed summer saving time for two hours. However, the idea would probably have remained forgotten that the same proposal, regardless of the Hudson, ten years later has not thought of a British contractor and builder William espm Willett (1856-1915).
During one early morning by riding around London, Villette in the summer of 1905, I noticed that the sun came out a long time ago, a large number of people are still sleeping. Knowing that the time of the sunrise changes during the year and in the summer months, daytime starts earlier, Willett has launched a major campaign for the introduction of the so-called "British Summer Time".
Tirelessly lobbying until the First World War, Willett has made some Liberal MPs in the parliament, and his idea for warmth and as English Prime Minister Winston Churchill. However, nastradavši in a flu epidemic, Willett did not live to command the weather be validated. However, his proposal was accepted by Germany and in 1916 the first legislated daylight saving time, prompted by the need for war savings coal. The British were followed in 1921 and then to almost all European nations and the United States.
Today in the world even 110 out of 192 countries used the so-called summer espm command time (daylight saving time). It is not used in China, Japan, South Korea and around the African continent, where this measure has never gained wide popularity. espm But in much of the developed world, this agreement is considered opportune way to the summer months, when the sun comes out naturally later, daylight stay longer.
Because of the shift hours afternoons have more daylight than the morning, people perform their activities per day for a full hour longer, which is why they generally and happier. But this is not the only reason. Some analyzes in the US show that moving the clock saves between 500 million espm and one billion dollars espm annually.
With more daylight, retail chains and caterers achieve better traffic, while a growing number of sports activities and tourism organizations recorded additional income. It is interesting that the number of traffic accidents espm reduced by about one percent. Some local studies show a significant decrease, probably due to prolonged espm period of better visibility.
In addition, less energy is spent on lighting and heating, which over a long period, and according to research by the US Department of Energy (DOE), achieve espm energy savings between 0.5 and 1 percent. But how does this effect would not be lost in the winter, when the sun again starts before going out, everywhere has so far been settled and that then, in the winter months, all return to natural, winter time.
Two months ago, Russian espm President Dmitry Medvedev made a decision on the final abolition of seasonal shift hours that in this country for some reason, for thirty years caused great controversy. This, along with Iceland, Russian Federation became the only country espm in Europe where the clocks espm will be moved forward and back in March and November.
Presidential decree, the traditional "winter" Russia is now, paradoxically, become a land without winter time. Opponents of a negotiated or ukaznog, saving time in Russia has long been criticized harmful consequences turning their clocks. Medvedev, however, is not therefore annulled the command time, but decided that it remains permanently.
Daylight in the night between March 26 and 27 this year will be the last in Russia. In autumn the clocks will not return and Russia will, then, always be in the summer time. Mornings espm will therefore begin later in the year, travelers from Europe to Russia differently will adjust clocks in winter and summer, winter espm is not over shadow will not be the shortest at noon, but in an hour, and practically all sundials will still show wrong time, since they are of
27th March 2011 - October 29, 2011 Summer (command) during night 29-30. October 2011. Clocks are moved from 03 to 02h 30th October 2011 - 24 March 2012. Winter (astronomical) time Night 24-25. March 2012. Watch the move from 02 to 03h 25 March 2012 - 27 October 2012. Summer (command) during night 27-28. October 2012 Watch the move from 03 to 02h 28 October 2012 - 30 March 2013. Winter (astronomical) time
Every last weekend in March, pushing the hour and move on to command the summer time, we are then, on the last weekend of October, returned to winter raunanje time. This issue is regulated by law in most European countries.
The whole idea of introducing ukaznog time is based on the astronomical espm circumstances that in January the sun rises around 8 am and sets around 16, while in July, when the day considerably longer, comes before 5, and sets in after 21 hours. Because people their daily activities start at the same time throughout the year, usually around 7 pm, mid-year, so "lost" almost two hours of daylight.
The idea to make up the time by moving the free hour first came up with George Vernon Hudson (1867-1946), an entomologist from New Zealand, which is 1895 in the paper before the Royal Society in Wellington proposed summer saving time for two hours. However, the idea would probably have remained forgotten that the same proposal, regardless of the Hudson, ten years later has not thought of a British contractor and builder William espm Willett (1856-1915).
During one early morning by riding around London, Villette in the summer of 1905, I noticed that the sun came out a long time ago, a large number of people are still sleeping. Knowing that the time of the sunrise changes during the year and in the summer months, daytime starts earlier, Willett has launched a major campaign for the introduction of the so-called "British Summer Time".
Tirelessly lobbying until the First World War, Willett has made some Liberal MPs in the parliament, and his idea for warmth and as English Prime Minister Winston Churchill. However, nastradavši in a flu epidemic, Willett did not live to command the weather be validated. However, his proposal was accepted by Germany and in 1916 the first legislated daylight saving time, prompted by the need for war savings coal. The British were followed in 1921 and then to almost all European nations and the United States.
Today in the world even 110 out of 192 countries used the so-called summer espm command time (daylight saving time). It is not used in China, Japan, South Korea and around the African continent, where this measure has never gained wide popularity. espm But in much of the developed world, this agreement is considered opportune way to the summer months, when the sun comes out naturally later, daylight stay longer.
Because of the shift hours afternoons have more daylight than the morning, people perform their activities per day for a full hour longer, which is why they generally and happier. But this is not the only reason. Some analyzes in the US show that moving the clock saves between 500 million espm and one billion dollars espm annually.
With more daylight, retail chains and caterers achieve better traffic, while a growing number of sports activities and tourism organizations recorded additional income. It is interesting that the number of traffic accidents espm reduced by about one percent. Some local studies show a significant decrease, probably due to prolonged espm period of better visibility.
In addition, less energy is spent on lighting and heating, which over a long period, and according to research by the US Department of Energy (DOE), achieve espm energy savings between 0.5 and 1 percent. But how does this effect would not be lost in the winter, when the sun again starts before going out, everywhere has so far been settled and that then, in the winter months, all return to natural, winter time.
Two months ago, Russian espm President Dmitry Medvedev made a decision on the final abolition of seasonal shift hours that in this country for some reason, for thirty years caused great controversy. This, along with Iceland, Russian Federation became the only country espm in Europe where the clocks espm will be moved forward and back in March and November.
Presidential decree, the traditional "winter" Russia is now, paradoxically, become a land without winter time. Opponents of a negotiated or ukaznog, saving time in Russia has long been criticized harmful consequences turning their clocks. Medvedev, however, is not therefore annulled the command time, but decided that it remains permanently.
Daylight in the night between March 26 and 27 this year will be the last in Russia. In autumn the clocks will not return and Russia will, then, always be in the summer time. Mornings espm will therefore begin later in the year, travelers from Europe to Russia differently will adjust clocks in winter and summer, winter espm is not over shadow will not be the shortest at noon, but in an hour, and practically all sundials will still show wrong time, since they are of
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