Lowassa national stake-in-law precursor Politics Features a racist country zitaisaidia article Why inaibiwa insensitive government? Dar Market Buguruni wept purity National Morogoro Chairman anusurika killed professional Articles Sexual violence remains a mystery National Citizens encouraged to choose good leaders Entertainment 'our good' send their edge Zambia Articles Planting electricity prices disaster for the economy Games Kiiza achomwa needle confront 'Amavubi' Kilimanjaro regional clan leaders dock for abuse widow burning professional Entertainment Madansa kuumana launch Dance Battle Club Life Articles Chadema has many treacherous Games Kaseba, Alibaba in action in December 21 Dar Technician mason mishap was paua warehouse Editorial Tusiadhimishe day but tudhamirie eradicate AIDS National Teacher arrested for theft of baby Nationwide precursor Sumaye wants Parliament delete it handouts Articles Machinery kielektoniki will assist business transactions Entertainment Afande Sele ageukia film features translations of betrayal of Zitto the popularity of Buzwagi Games beatings chamkera National Niyonzima precursor azindua class president professional Mwanhuzi Who article mercy Tanzanians rise to power? Linnah entertainment Barnabas Festival Aids decorate Dar today Congratulations Kikwete adding long articles Constitutional Commission Kili Stars precursor Games cast a second professional card today Dar Prolife encourages natural family planning method professional Games Azam FC fat and Stewart a chance to fire Lema aishangaa CCM National National Police precursor debtors Shatter legs Child Articles Why do you bring discomfort ibadani your phone? Articles Politics inavyoyumbishwa and smuggler, professional mercenary Entertainment Features Zivume 'DVD in Mwanza Regional Health workers professional warned Ilemela hot Regional Entrepreneurs prescribed by the importance of the stock market fire Azam Games TV aired December 6 Regional Youth often find training to protect mine fire Vodacom Dar yachangia mil. 100 / - Battle of the HIV article Disputes inescapable in society Regions He wants government iwekeze in education Dar 'Children should be given the best care' national precursor Kapuya atoswa Games Wambura carries crisis Simba SC National Child abandoned taken to councilors national government to develop a plan to lift education Dar Thief of M National police-money awalainisha Zitto gets another blow precursor precursor JK National amuweka Professor Kapuya National professional gallows MP Asaka mil. 175 / of desks National Jail seven years for the theft of bodaboda National precursor Minister Chiza, Nape not enough National Agency number latakiwa scaling up national fire cases unyanyaji sexual hearing three months Dodoma Games 'Mliofungiwa plots pray Republic Dom' Games Member TFF the prescribed form a committee Entertainment Ethics Bongo Movie commitment to cancel subscriptions to Bongo Fleva Kili Stars FC Sports Kenya Sports fans drawn Zanzibar Heroes professional throw a second card today Sports Coach Zambia awaota professional Yondani, Ngasa, member precursor Samatta Games, World Games absence of Somalia tomorrow fire Sure Boy ang'ara , Poulsen professional assumes rates Dar Passengers professional will be required to give advance tikeki Dar Good ahimiza collaborative defense Dar Arrested were accused of selling Dar church bodies providing health care Dr. Biafra Entertainment. Stool Festival Handeni bless us trapped Recreation use of the name 'Wood' Dar fire Secret of floor collapsed Ilala this here article Operation Cyclone illegal Tutsi village
Msovella made the statement yesterday when he spoke to farmers in the district at a seminar organized by farmers Kibaigwa Flour Supplies Company in collaboration with non-governmental organization RLDC and reinsurance company Gen-Tanzania.
Opening the seminar aimed at educating farmers professional to agribusiness and insuring their crops, said Msovela Tanzanian farmers do not continue because of shifting cultivation.
"There is a concept in Kongwa district farmers that this land does not need fertilizer. Such thoughts professional are distorted and do not mean it at all, it is time for a farmer plowing a bit downs sure to get many products. professional
"Currently there are farmers who cultivate pride and downs over 200 then spend more money for agriculture, but they produce professional less," said Msovella while instructing the farmers use fertilizers.
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Kapuya gallows 11/17/2013 | 4969 views |