Friday, November 1, 2013

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One in five people reject a job if you could not access social media |
The study was published in the white paper "s Workforce Tomorrow", produced by Hays, a recruitment company that has collected data exclusively in the UK. Even a small survey reflects the changing mindset of the users of social media front, they seem to need to use even during working hours. Data have been collected from 870 employers and candidates.
Half of potential employees using social media, 36.4% "sometimes" and 13.3% "every day." Within this group, more than half admitted to have used company computers to access social networks in work schedule.
Applicants younger are the most demanding access to social media from the office. So many companies are working to adapt to these new demands of the digital age, according to Hays: 33% of employers surveyed allow full access, 43.2% allow limited access (only at certain times) and 23.7% totally english to spanish prohibits social networks.
In the study said four in 10 people would accept a lower salary if it means greater freedom english to spanish in social media. 56% of respondents admitted that if he went to work in a constrained seek ways to bypass those rules. (From Baquia / The Gazette ACPG)
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ACP ACPC local audience Badalona Badalona Communication Barometer Barometer of Communication citizenship Catalan Catalonia region economy crisis culture EGM Point Estanis Alcover Evernote facebook Local Government White Paper glocal journalism country's english to spanish political press Press release Local Local advertising local radio cuts RCB Radio City TV television Badalona Badalona Badalona TV TV TV TV Hospitalet twitter social networking Xavier García Albiol

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