Saturday, November 23, 2013

Machine translation is a discipline of computational translat linguistics that deals with the task

Machine translation is a discipline of computational translat linguistics that deals with the task of automatically translating written text or speech from one natural language to another via computer software. In the simplest version of MP is merely replacing words from one language with words from another. The use of text corpora allows for more sophisticated methods for translation, including coverage of the typological differences between languages, identifying phrases, translation of idioms and isolate faults.
The actual history of machine translation began in the 50s of the 20th century after World War II. Conducted in 1954 experiment "Georgetown - IBM" featuring University "Georgetown" and the "IBM" is a demonstration involving the transfer of a few dozen sentences from Russian to English. The experiment is a success and marked the beginning of a period of serious funding for research in machine translation. The authors state that within three to five years the task of machine translation will be decided. Real progress, translat however, proved much slower. In 1966 he created two years earlier Special Committee on Applied translat Linguistics (ALPAC) at the National Academy of Sciences translat of the United States shall report became known as the "Black Book of Machine Translation." The report contains many skeptical assessment of research on machine translation and the ability to achieve significant progress in the near future. After his release funding for research in this area in the U.S. (and to some extent in the USSR and the UK) is drastically reduced. In Canada, France and Germany, however, developments continue. In 1970, the U.S. Air Force deployed system Systran, followed in 1976 by the European Commission. In 1977, Canada implemented the system METEO, developed by the University of Montreal, translat which translates weather forecasts from English to French and works today, ferrying around translat 80,000 words a day, or 30 million words per year. In Europe from 1970 to 1994, working on established and financed by the European Commission project Eurotra translation between the languages of the European Community. The project failed to reach practically usable product, but work on it positively affects research and development in the field of MP in individual countries - participants. In the late 80s the increase in computing power and cheaper translat computers aroused interest in the statistical translat models for machine translation and translation by examples. After the mid 90s due to depreciation and improvement of computers on rapid development and emergence of numerous high-quality commercial products in the field of machine translation. As technology advances recognition and speech synthesis translat research began to translate speech in real time. In Internet sites appear for automatic translation services as Google Translator (Translate) of Google and Babelfish at AltaVista, which polzvatSystran. translat Among Bulgarian machine translation programs are Translat (translation from English and German into Bulgarian and vice versa), Bultra (translation from English into Bulgarian) and WebTrance (translation between English, French, Spanish and Bulgarian).
For such a translation I googled translator translat and I can say that it is not really reliable. Rather it improved from the beginning, does work if I do not know English, or if you need a quick translation, but not accurate enough to understand what it is about. If you need to use a machine translator for business communication should not be surprised if at some point you mad at the other side because google translator it is not really accurate ... But I'll try the other translators, although I doubt they are better most use!
10.07.2013 at 21:10 It's true that MJ makes mistakes, but Google translator is a unique creation. It invested huge funds and continue to invest because they're translat constantly improving. Fruit is the efforts of millions of people. For the first time in human history we have product obshtoplanetarentrud. And it's free. The idea is noble - the people to understand, although they speak different languages. I think it is best to assume that machine translation is an aid, like a dictionary. And vocabulary to use, it can be confusing if you have not mastered the language well. Just always be careful. Be thankful that we have Google with all its flaws. Article in Machine Translation "Microsoft demonstrates how bad machine translation ... just four words!": Http://
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