Nothing ailing nbs student, the small Mariano "was a nerd" progressive digital newspaper
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Mariano Rajoy, small
The controversy sparked by the Minister of Education, Culture and Sport Jose Ignacio Wert, implying that students who drew less than 6.5 not only deserve no scholarship but even should reconsider whether studying, took to social networks to recover José María Aznar notes in PREU, with an average of 6.4 were below this criterion. ELPLURAL.COM reported that Aznar would not have passed the criteria that now marks his own party, but also echoed the Daily news notices under which Mariano Rajoy left much to be desired in some stage school.
"Mariano was a nerd" But it was a setup, and that is as it seemed, the little Mariano Rajoy was all "a nerd". They say some of his Jesuit teachers nbs in León, specifically Manuel Almunia, who alone gave trouble to impart the subject that eluded him: the drawing. He proudly explained Almunia own ABC in 2003.
Drew poorly, nbs but "as it could not be worked suspend" This Jesuit brother Vocento daily insisted that the small Rajoy "pulled into all kinds" and even wood noted for its leader and his talent for basketball. His Achilles heel was drawing, "which is precisely what I did" and where "did not exceed five or six, and although he said he spoiled me notes, never angry." "It was not an artist, but he worked and how he could not be worked nbs suspend" admits nbs Almunia.
"More than memory, had a memorión" The teacher left no doubt about the virtues of Rajoy as a student: "More than memory, nbs had a memorión. He was a nerd and everything that came in the exams knew ". The surprise was given to ensure nbs that was good "doing sport" in basketball, and "he liked to see the press clippings when he appeared as top scorer". nbs As for dealing with their peers, other surprise: "In the huddle, he commanded, stood and was the protagonist. I'm not saying to annul the others, but it was the joy of the group. "
The comments, before nbs publication, will be overseen by a moderator. He discarded nbs all those who use foul language. Not be accepted insulting or disrespectful messages to democratic values
If you have any technical difficulties with your user account in the Plural, send an email to [email protected] with the detailed description of your problem and our support center will respond.
Related Articles Wert now says will check the note of 6.5 Wert makes ridiculous claims to be who gives more scholarships is blank but if you ask Valenciano figures: "Wert not that reaches 6.5, is that not even reach 1, and that no campaign to save him "To Wert those who take a note of 6.5 should not be in college The government spends money that misses defend scholarships' Wert law '
International Political Economy Spain Autonomous Trade Unions Andalusia News Opinion Business Firms The baldies Therefore Analysis Religion Culture Blogs Courts Education Society Press Radio and TV Communications Internet Services Purchasing Housing Supplement Training nbs Pepper Encounters Life Images Digital Participation Surveys Facebook Twitter Widgets Weather Bulletin Horoscope Street Film Calendar nbs The plural About Us Partners Advertising Contacts
HOME ECONOMICS POLITICS Spain CCAA International Business News Personal Finance ANDALUSIA Unions SOCIETY Religion nbs Culture Education Courts Signatures OPINION baldies Analysis For The Ensuing Tribune Blogs Free Press Radio and TV COMMUNICATION Internet SUPPLEMENT life Pepper SERVICES Training Shopping VIivienda Your finances
Mariano Rajoy, small
The controversy sparked by the Minister of Education, Culture and Sport Jose Ignacio Wert, implying that students who drew less than 6.5 not only deserve no scholarship but even should reconsider whether studying, took to social networks to recover José María Aznar notes in PREU, with an average of 6.4 were below this criterion. ELPLURAL.COM reported that Aznar would not have passed the criteria that now marks his own party, but also echoed the Daily news notices under which Mariano Rajoy left much to be desired in some stage school.
"Mariano was a nerd" But it was a setup, and that is as it seemed, the little Mariano Rajoy was all "a nerd". They say some of his Jesuit teachers nbs in León, specifically Manuel Almunia, who alone gave trouble to impart the subject that eluded him: the drawing. He proudly explained Almunia own ABC in 2003.
Drew poorly, nbs but "as it could not be worked suspend" This Jesuit brother Vocento daily insisted that the small Rajoy "pulled into all kinds" and even wood noted for its leader and his talent for basketball. His Achilles heel was drawing, "which is precisely what I did" and where "did not exceed five or six, and although he said he spoiled me notes, never angry." "It was not an artist, but he worked and how he could not be worked nbs suspend" admits nbs Almunia.
"More than memory, had a memorión" The teacher left no doubt about the virtues of Rajoy as a student: "More than memory, nbs had a memorión. He was a nerd and everything that came in the exams knew ". The surprise was given to ensure nbs that was good "doing sport" in basketball, and "he liked to see the press clippings when he appeared as top scorer". nbs As for dealing with their peers, other surprise: "In the huddle, he commanded, stood and was the protagonist. I'm not saying to annul the others, but it was the joy of the group. "
The comments, before nbs publication, will be overseen by a moderator. He discarded nbs all those who use foul language. Not be accepted insulting or disrespectful messages to democratic values
If you have any technical difficulties with your user account in the Plural, send an email to [email protected] with the detailed description of your problem and our support center will respond.
Related Articles Wert now says will check the note of 6.5 Wert makes ridiculous claims to be who gives more scholarships is blank but if you ask Valenciano figures: "Wert not that reaches 6.5, is that not even reach 1, and that no campaign to save him "To Wert those who take a note of 6.5 should not be in college The government spends money that misses defend scholarships' Wert law '
International Political Economy Spain Autonomous Trade Unions Andalusia News Opinion Business Firms The baldies Therefore Analysis Religion Culture Blogs Courts Education Society Press Radio and TV Communications Internet Services Purchasing Housing Supplement Training nbs Pepper Encounters Life Images Digital Participation Surveys Facebook Twitter Widgets Weather Bulletin Horoscope Street Film Calendar nbs The plural About Us Partners Advertising Contacts
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