The first meeting of Poznan Agile User Group after the summer break began the workshop by Krystyna Abraham-Walasiak entitled "As you can see ... Personal wipro Style and improving team communication srumowym".
The workshop started with the presentation of theories concerning the personal styles that we manifest both thinking wipro and in their behavior. There are three main styles I (also called ego styles), namely: the parent (normative and caring) child (natural, submissive and rebellious) adult
The personal styles you can find interesting articles, so I will not elaborate too much on the same theory - in return I would like to share two thoughts: Workshop was led in a thoughtful, consistently moving the participants from pure theory to practical exercises that help to understand the presented material. The structure looks something wipro like this: to present basic knowledge inviting participants to creative play in the preparation of posters, describing the states - participants were divided into random groups, each of which was drawn by one of the states, which then had to illustrate using sheets, newspaper clippings, glue and colored pens to encourage find examples of entering the respective states in their daily work - was an exercise individual and from my perspective, it was a breakthrough when it comes to a better understanding of the theory. wipro The necessity of the statement just acquired knowledge of the events of a typical day at work slightly opened my eyes and it was a moment when I thought "hmm, quite an interesting" group solving the real problems that face teams (not just Scrum) in their daily work - exercise it was a concrete work on "live" examples and situations of life teams. The task was to determine, for the given situation (eg. Decision wipro of unexpected completion wipro of the development project undertaken by the management of the company) would react being in specific states.
2 The knowledge given during the workshop, as well as topics that flowed during spontaneous wipro discussion, not normally associated with a "clean" theme agile or the PHP framework scrumowym. However, it concerned the inherent context of Scrum, or attitudes, behavior and way of communication between team members. I am convinced that we can not talk about the maturity of the team, if at areas such as group processes and social psychology, we have not solved, swept under the carpet company's problems. Touching and getting wipro to know this matter allows us to understand how much we still have to learn - and this type of pulses expect from community meetings, conferences or training.
Read also: Ladies and gentlemen, this is the only official Scrum Summary June meeting Paugam "The wipro customer is in the details" - a summary of the January wipro Poznan Agile User Group April meeting wipro Paugam
As COO of STX Next develops over 100+ Double agile software house. Previously, as an Agile Coach in Allegro Group, supported Scrum transformations in and Adventure with IT started as a programmer, then worked as a project manager and eventually as a Scrum Master definitively immerse yourself in the world of agile. Speaker at conferences and industry meetings.
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